He ultimately left an endowed chair at Stanford in 1996 to focus on complexity theory and the economy at the Santa Fe Institute.
Complexity theory provides a new framework for us to study things.
This includes computability theory, computational complexity theory, and information theory.
Local rule is an important concept of individual-based thinking paradigm in complexity theory.
Based on the research of chaos and software requirements complexity theory, a theory model was proposed.
The computing complexity theory discusses the time complexity and the space complexity of the algorithms.
Linear complexity theory be applied to cryptographic technology, designing a testing method of a random sequence.
The following table shows some of the classes of problems that are considered in computability theory and complexity theory.
For curricula automata subject a more advanced graduate course, computability theory and computational complexity theory are also covered.
Communication complexity theory is a abstract computational model, which deal with the number of communication between the inner of system.
The three main research areas of the theory are: formal language and automata theory, computability theory and the computing complexity theory.
In the field of complexity theory, most of complexity classes are described according to their acceptance by different kinds of Turing machines.
In complexity theory, set packing problems is an important NP-hard problem, which is used widely in the fields of scheduling and code optimization.
Big-O notation: computational complexity theory USES big-O notation to describe how input-data size affects an algorithm's use of computational resources.
Big - onotation:计算复杂性理论使用大0符号描述输入数据大小如何影响计算资源对算法的使用。
Wolfram's work led to a wide range of applications—and provided the main scientific foundations for such initiatives as complexity theory and artificial life.
Complex Adaptive System (CAS) theory that was brought forward by the scientists working in Santa Fe Institute (SFI) is one kind of the complexity theory.
At the theoretical end, this focus manifests itself in complexity theory, which groups algorithms according to their time and space requirements for execution.
This article offers an overview and comprehensive survey of the complexity theory of beam halo_chaos and its control methods with prospective applications.
Based on the complexity measure of complexity theory the river runoff series of different hydrology stations in mainstream of the Yellow river is diagnoses.
The following table shows some of the classes of problems (or languages, or grammars) that are considered in computability theory (blue) and complexity theory (green).
These words were spoken before the arrival of the DNA model, before digital technology, before departments of information management systems, and before complexity theory.
There are the more "external" and"objective" approaches to consciousness, such as neuroscience, cognitivescience, chaos and complexity theory, behaviorism, and neuropharmacology.
This paper discusses on the problem of information security from message level, and introduces emphatically information theory based cryptology and complexity theory based cryptology.
To rapidly acquire the ideal result for reducing the complexity of system, a kind of method, which integrated the complexity theory and the technological evolution law, was put forward.
It absorbed some results of artificial intelligence, probability and statistics, computational complexity theory, control theory, information theory, philosophy, physiology, neurobiological.
The method is that designing theory is simpleness and being understood is easy and avoiding complexity computation on state equations and drive equations.
The theory of complexity shows that although a system may have an optimum state, it is sometimes so hard to identify that the system never settles there.
The theory of complexity shows that although a system may have an optimum state, it is sometimes so hard to identify that the system never settles there.