These structures to be demolished have complicated structure and shape, closely spaced rebar.
Thus, the no boundary proposal, can account for all the complicated structure that we see around us.
Rather was it a complicated structure of traditions, ritual and folkways that dictated to men their behaviors.
Lower metamorphic strata are well developed with complicated structure in the northeastern area, Jiangxi Province.
The traditional scribing instrument has the problems of complicated structure and inconvenient horizontal adjustment.
It is difficult to find out and erase failures of computer numerical control machine due to its complicated structure.
Structured grid is made with no simplification and modification of the complicated structure in the hearth and burner.
The modal synthesis method is a more effective method for calculating dynamic parameters of large complicated structure.
The baffle is of complicated structure, uneven rigidity and stress distribution, thus causing concentrated stress and cracks.
In dynamic analysis of complicated structure, critical Angle of seismic wave is corresponding to critical response of structure.
The complicated structure incorporates a reinforced concrete structure and a spatial steel structure with a stayed cable structure.
Hot press moulding technique, which was used to shape small and medium size and complicated structure ceramic, is a favorable method.
The south of Junggar basin has complicated structure, many entrapments and active surface, all this indicates a large resource quantity.
The tower column, which is the main bearing structure of the ship life, is the most important and complicated structure of the ship lift.
This phenomenon is explained with the concepts of petroleum dispersion system and "complicated structure unit" proposed by Soviet workers.
A target-oriented layout designing method guided by wave equation forward modeling in complicated structure areas is proposed in this paper.
The south of Zhungeer basin has complicated structure, many entrapmentsand active surface indication, all this indicates a large resource quantity.
The cable-girder anchorage zones of cable-stayed Bridges, which bear giant cable forces and have complicated structure, are keys to structure design.
Baimiao condensate reservoir has the characteristics of deep burial, complicated structure, poor physical property, and high content of condensate oil.
Sendzimir Mill is the important device in cold rolling silicon steel, which possesses complicated structure and many methods of adjusting for the shape.
Response surface method(RSM)is an efficient method to analyze the stability reliability degree for complicated structure, such as underground structure.
There are some drawbacks in ATM switch unifying buffer: complicated structure, lack of expansibility and difficulties in ensuring to ensure high throughput.
集中处理信元缓冲的AT M交换机结构复杂、扩展性不好、不易保证高吞吐率,而由多级交换单元分布处理信元缓冲可克服这些缺点。
If I had finished the translation, I could go with you. But at that time, I was stuck in a very complicated structure and could not move on even a little bit.
The results show that this method is easy and practical, and can be applied in optimum design of large and complicated structure especially with many variables.
The overall stress tended increasing during the forging process. Especially in complicated structure, the stress is larger and no significant changes in the law.
The characteristics of forestry resource information are large Numbers of data, much categories, wide sources, complicated structure, and high cost for obtaining.
Universal joint, a key part of main drive system in rolling mill, has the characteristics of complicated structure and bearing impact twisting moment when working.
Universal joint, a key part of main drive system in rolling mill, has the characteristics of complicated structure and bearing impact twisting moment when working.