Air Operated - Uses auxiliary compressed air or water source to shift valve, rather than a solenoid operator.
Air Operated - Uses auxiliary compressed air or water pressure to shift valve, rather than a solenoid operator. ASCO offers a choice of 3 pneumatic operator pressure ratings.
Discharge valve can be will collect the liquid and solid particle emissions, prevent the liquid flow off the downstream, the pollution downstream compressed air system.
This discharge way's weakness is forgot to open valve, or open the valve and forgot to turn off the and caused a lot of compressed air waste.
The wholw machine is driven by compressed air and air cylinder is controlled by electromagnetic valve by finishing multiple functions.
Condensate drain valve Assemblies These valves are designed to automatically drain condensate in compressed air systems.
The whole machine is driven by compressed air and air cylinder is controlled by electromagnetic valve by finishing multiple functions.
The control end of the two-position five-way valve (8) is connected with a compressed air inlet pipe through a switch (11).
The body screw back into place, gently open the little front-end ball valve, using compressed air to the drainage system of impurities, water, oil draining;
The air-jet exhauster is a compressed air-operated device for pump priming, provided that the pump has no foot valve. Water is induced into the pump by vacuum created by the exhauster.
The check valve avoids refluence of air in pipe - lines and consequent pressure loss in which compressed air is intended to flow in one direction only.
The check valve avoids refluence of air in pipe - lines and consequent pressure loss in which compressed air is intended to flow in one direction only.