The mode of fracture changed from ductile to fragile for the BMG composites, but the compressive failure strength increased.
Experimental results show that the mechanical properties and mechanism of compressive failure of the composites change with the increase of the braided angles.
The experimental results show that the mechanical properties and compressive failure mechanism of the composites change with the increase of the braided angles.
The compressive failure tests were carried out on the composite laminates after low velocity impact damage to study compressive failure mechanisms of laminates after low velocity impact damage.
Compressive failure tests were carried out on composite laminates and stitched laminates after low velocity impact to study compressive failure mechanisms of laminates after low velocity impact.
A tremendous advantage of these vessels is that high compressive stresses are induced during winding. This Prestressing greatly reduces the risk of fatigue failure.
The experimental results show that both the failure modes and crack position of the tubes under axial compressive load changed when the end of the composite tubes are strengthened.
Based on compressive deformation experiments of 21 pieces of sand-lime-AAC(SLAAC) masonry, this paper analyses their failure mechanism, and compares it with other masonries.
Failure process under compressive pressure was recorded using CT images and CT Numbers.
The global failure criterion of rock mass element is proposed based on the analysis of releasable strain energy and is well accordance with the result of biaxial compressive test on marble.
They are mainly concerned with the tensile and compressive behavior, energy absorption, dynamic impact, failure criterion and constitutive relation, creep, fatigue and fracture of these materials.
The relation between splitting tensile strength and compressive strength and the effects of steel fiber types and volume ratio on behavior of the deformation of split failure are discussed.
Organic aerogel has relatively high dynamic compressive strength and high dynamic failure strain, thus the anti-bullet property of organic aerogel is better than other aerogels.
In this paper, 9 compressive specimens of 3 groups were tested to investigate the cracking resistant load, ultimate load, failure modes and deformation capacity of the grouted slotted block masonry.
It is proved practically that taking compressive strength of rock cores from a few of boreholes as foundation bearing capacity for evaluation may result in serious engineering failure.
During the ship collision and grounding, the crushing collapse of thin-walled structure subjected to compressive load is one of the important failure modes.
Large samples uniaxial compressive creep test indicates, the flow deformation and failure of SLATE is controlled by its structure plane.
Large samples uniaxial compressive creep test indicates, the flow deformation and failure of SLATE is controlled by its structure plane.