To benefit from the discussion, you should be familiar with at least one procedural programming language and the basic concepts of computer programming, including command-line processing.
Like all putative natural language processing by computer, your mileage may vary.
Whichever method of encoding or language is chosen to operate the computer, it's based on a set of instructions that are executed by the central processing unit (CPU).
Data processing system of the precision-bias analysis and quality control experiment is devolped successively with computer superior language, combined with the practical demand for data processing.
As the product of language research and computing technology in information epoch, Natural language Processing mainly aims to solve linguistic problems in human-computer intercommunication.
Chinese information processing is to carry on the automatic processing of the Chinese language information by computer.
The sentence format (SF) indicates the relationship among the components of the sentences, and it can provide guiding knowledge for computer in nature language processing.
Automatic word segmentation for the Chinese language is a fundamental and difficult problem in the field of computer Chinese language information processing.
LISP: Powerful computer programming language designed for manipulating lists of data or symbols rather than processing numerical data, used extensively in artificial-intelligence applications.
As one of the important research topics, computer-aided Chinese learning is attracting more and more interest in natural language processing society.
At first, the paper introduces the progress of computer natural language processing, especially the Chinese language processing, and the methods used for proper nouns recognition.
An internationally accepted highlevel computer programming language widely used in commercial data processing.
An internationally accepted highlevel computer programming language widely used in commercial data processing.