Iran admitted recently that a computer worm (presumably the mysterious Stuxnet) had disabled some of its centrifuges for a while.
In the network the sorts of computer virus are various and we can not catch the speed of its renewing.After comparing many kinds of virus, in order to be close to reality, I choose the "Worm."
Before everyone panics, let's get one thing clear: the new Twitter worm is only a proof-of-concept devised by computer security researchers at Secure Science - it is not out in the wild.
Worm - this type of virus is able to spread itself automatically over the network from one computer to the next.
That is, it is impossible to write a computer program that will identify correctly whether an arbitrary program is a virus, a worm, etc. - no matter how much computing power is thrown at the problem.
In the United States, Internet and email service providers were blocking the worm in record Numbers, while others were getting through to an untold number of unprotected computer users.
Thee worm mainly slows down computer operations.
Network Shield - Provider SettingsNetwork Shield provider protects your computer from Internet worm attacks.
If contracted virus, worm or Trojan, if run a few other jobs on computer again, may expend a large number of resource, what make a system slower than moving at ordinary times thereby is much.
In the network the sorts of computer virus are various and we can not catch the speed of its renewing. After comparing many kinds of virus, in order to be close to reality, I choose the "Worm."
Because of the huge damage of network worm epidemics, how to detect and response network worms has become an important task in computer network security field.
Computer security experts have cautioned that an Internet worm which infected millions of computers around the world may target PC users with a new variation on April 1.
With the development of computer technology and Internet, computer virus and net worm have become the biggest trouble computer users faced.
A worm is a small piece of software that USES computer network and security holes to replicate itself.
The worm mainly slows down computer operations.
On the bases of pressure distribution, applied the load on the element, after a large number of computer runs by using ANSYS, obtained the stress distribution on the worm and worm gear.
Code (software) that is transferred from a host to a client (or another host computer) to be executed (run). When we talk about malicious mobile code we may use a Worm as an example.
Code (software) that is transferred from a host to a client (or another host computer) to be executed (run). When we talk about malicious mobile code we may use a Worm as an example.