3D printers have long promised a world where you can make anything, anywhere, from a computerised design.
YEP has been using advanced computerised management and cc. Mail network.
The older children also sat a computerised test designed to measure attention span.
Computerised tomography (CT) scanning has been used in medicine for several decades.
His cardiologist put him through a bunch of tests, including a computerised tomography scan.
Mass mail-outs and computerised lists were mobilised, for the first time, to do the Lord's work.
Teams of audio typists transcribed the tapes to produce a computerised database of ten million words.
Chimps do yawn, and they, like us, respond in kind when shown a computerised avatar indulging in the pastime.
Now that Athens has a computerised land registry, it should be easier to track down and prosecute tax evaders.
A team of psychologists at the University of st Andrews invited men to play a computerised game for money.
But whether or not there was actual fraud, Koala Boy has given a jolt to confidence in the computerised system.
Could terrorists or hackers cause financial chaos by tampering with Wall Street's computerised trading systems?
And computerised "fly-by-wire" controls allow the X2 to be flown relatively easily. at lower altitude temperatures.
计算机化的“有线飞行”控制使得X 2比较容易放飞。
The design principle of the computerised triple redundant controller is focused and the experimental result is given.
During the process, a computerised scanning system would take a picture of the iris and works out which areas to treat.
Before trading was computerised, erroneous orders were known as "out-trades" which could be cancelled before proceeding.
Obtaining a passport with a dead child's birth certificate is increasingly risky as population registers are computerised.
He has the computerised graphs to prove it: colourful visuals with circles that swarm, swell and shrink like living creatures.
The images were then computerised and distinguishing features such as looks, weight and height digitally airbrushed from the dancers.
Where a computerised system replaces a manual operation, there should be no resultant decrease in product quality or quality assurance.
They are using computerised tomography (ct) to analyse the structures of fabrics at high resolution and then plugging the results into CGI.
They had to write their ID Numbers, pick a language, and click their way through the computerised test: a, b, or C. True or False. Yes or No.
Whereas every other big industry has computerised with gusto since the 1980s, doctors in most parts of the world still work mainly with pen and paper.
Computerised tomography allows the three-dimensional structure of the fibres in such scraps to be recorded, with all their kinks and imperfections.
The SH1 is equipped with a computerised fire-control system, with a muzzle velocity sensor which feed the data directly to the fire-control computer.
SH 1装备一套计算机火控系统,用一个炮口速度传感器直接反馈数据到火控计算机。
Churchill's speeches, Hemingway's style and Golding's prose would not have been appreciated by a new computerised marking system used to assess a level English.
Churchill's speeches, Hemingway's style and Golding's prose would not have been appreciated by a new computerised marking system used to assess a level English.