Tablet computers are displayed last Wednesday at the Computex Taipei.
At Computex, Acer announced that it would use Android together with an Intel chip.
At Computex, both Asustek and Acer Inc. showcased several variations on tablets.
在台北国际电脑展上,华硕和宏股份有限公司(Acer Inc。)均展示了数款不同的平板电脑。
Now they have reconfirmed those plans, with an official launch scheduled for early June at Computex 2009.
现在,他们重新肯定了这些计划,并预计将于6月初Computex 2009大会上正式发布。
Computex officially opens on Tuesday and runs through Saturday, with planned keynote speeches from Intel and Microsoft.
At Computex in June 2010, Acer said it would build both tablets and netbooks running MeeGo, but it hasn't said much about it since then.
Diversification in both chips and operating systems is a major trend at this year's Computex after the industry relied for years on Microsoft and Intel.
Wearing hardware-based jewelry will likely prevent anyone from landing a hot date unless they're attending CES, Computex, or a Tom's hardware office party.
穿着基于硬件的珠宝可能会被阻止参加约会,除非他们参加国际消费电子展,电脑展,还是Tom ' sHardware的办公室派对。
MSI's turn at Computex saw it join the tablet fray with two distinct models. The Wind Pad 100 and 110 both have 10-inch multi-touch displays but very different processors and operating systems.
微星公司在刚刚召开的Computerx会展上展示了旗下两款平板电脑产品WindPad100/110 ,这两款产品均为10寸触屏设计,不过两者所用的处理器和操作系统则各有不同。
MSI's turn at Computex saw it join the tablet fray with two distinct models. The Wind Pad 100 and 110 both have 10-inch multi-touch displays but very different processors and operating systems.
微星公司在刚刚召开的Computerx会展上展示了旗下两款平板电脑产品WindPad100/110 ,这两款产品均为10寸触屏设计,不过两者所用的处理器和操作系统则各有不同。