This is the kind of conspiracy the deniers need to reveal to show that man-made climate change is a con.
By nature, a man is suspicious, competitive, con - trolled, defensive and a loner who hides his emotional state to stay in control.
Lafferty's longtime business partner, Allan Aitken, told me that he believed that "Biro was either a shyster or a con man, and had found in Lafferty an easy mark."
By automating the business process and triggering it through an event, Con-way has saved up to 500 man-hours daily.
通过实现业务流程自动化和通过事件触发流程,Con - way每天能节约500人时。
Alternatively, and more elegantly, I could hand over bread only to those people who give me a signal that a well-fed con man would not be willing to give.
If you look beyond the computers that lie between a spammer and his mark, you can see all the classic techniques of a con-man: buy this stock, before everyone else does.
When a woman talks about her problems, a man con- tinually interrupts her and offers solutions.
The tug-of-war between Scientologists and anti-Scientologists over Hubbard’s legacy has created two swollen archetypes: the most important person who ever lived and the world’s greatest con man.
Then there's Nick Wilde (a perfectly cast Jason Bateman), a con man of a fox (a con fox?) who infuriates Judy when she falls for one of his street scams.
然后,一只名叫尼克·王尔德的骗子狐狸( 杰森·贝特曼为其完美配音)在一场街头骗局里欺骗了朱迪并激怒了她。
He is a fool who con be angry, but he is really a wise man who will not.
The studio's latest comic book adaptation, Ant-Man, features an ex-con named Scott Lang, played by American actor Paul Rudd, 46.
Everyone thought the old con man must have died, but it turned out he was just playing possum.
For a moment I can't think of a thing to say, but then, with a fleet cynicism worthy of a Vegas con man, I remember the words that have saved me on so many occasions over the past year.
As I wrote in my diary, If Jeff is nothing more than a con man, as some still insist, then color me conned.
Sometimes, like an enraged tethered bear, Mr Brown fights back, howling that Mr Cameron is merely a "shallow salesman", an insubstantial con man.
Us authorities have charged a 22-year-old man over Saturday's Arizona shooting in which a con GREss woman was seriously wounded and six people died.
A con man leaves David broke, jobless & minus his girlfriend. So he sets out to find the con artist but revenge isn't on his mind.
Thee studio's latest comic book adaptation, Ant-Man, features an ex-con named Scott Lang, playedby American actor Paul Rudd, 46.
But instead of being a zombie or a vampire, why not trick or treat dressed-up as Wall Street's most infamous con man.
Tired of a life on the run, bloom, a con man who has dedicated his life to the art of the grift decides to call it quits.
Synchronous chipsealer; PLC con troller; Man-machine interface; Automatic control; Control algorithm;
同步碎石封层车;PLC控制器;人机界面;自动控制; 控制算法;
Synchronous chipsealer; PLC con troller; Man-machine interface; Automatic control; Control algorithm;
同步碎石封层车;PLC控制器;人机界面;自动控制; 控制算法;