Radioactive iodine was deposited in pastures eaten by cows who then concentrated it in their milk which was subsequently drunk by children.
If dairies did not homogenize milk, the cream would be concentrated at the top instead of being evenly distributed.
Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter.
Colostrum and concentrated colostrum whey of specific immune milk dried by high voltage electrostatic dryer and vacuum freeze dryer.
FOR example, skim milk with an initial solids content of 10% can be concentrated to 20% upon removal of half the water in the FORm of ice.
Not only does it change the composition of the breast milk, but the micronutrients in the formula will become so much more concentrated that it can be very hard on your baby's immature kidneys.
Full Cream milk power is produced from fresh cow's milk which is evaporated and concentrated and spray-dried.
"Infant formula" means a milk-based or soy-based powder, concentrated liquid or ready -to-feed substitute for human breast milk that is intended for infant consumption and is commercially available.
This soft milk-like cleansing lotion is made up of the concentrated emollient Organic Aloe Vera and nonfat dry milk.
The results showed that milk powder and concentrated milk were rich in saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and oleic acid of pure sheep milk was higher than others.
The results showed that milk powder and concentrated milk were rich in saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and oleic acid of pure sheep milk was higher than others.