Working at the application architecture level requires you to shift your thinking from the concrete work of coding, quality assurance, and hardware to more abstract levels.
Not only comparison, but also concrete examples and most abstract theories from Rudolf Arnheim's Visual Thinking will be employed for reasoning.
The homology of the thinking of dialectic and "being", not abstract, but concrete.
Analysis starts from the concrete; and the possession of this material gives it a considerable advantage over the abstract thinking of the old metaphysics.
It points out that the mathematical thinking in general includes the following aspects: concrete thinking, abstract thinking, intuitive thinking and functional thinking.
Three thinking mode counterparts are studied in this thesis: synthesis thinking vs. analysis thinking, circular thinking vs. linear thinking and concrete thinking vs. abstract thinking.
These different points originate from the cultural differences between the two languages: English speakers stress the abstract logical thinking and the Chinese the concrete imaginal thinking.
These different points originate from the cultural differences between the two languages: English speakers stress the abstract logical thinking and the Chinese the concrete imaginal thinking.