Other researchers protested that the opt-out response was simply a learned or conditioned response.
This is evidence that it wasn't a conditioned response, because that response didn't guarantee a faster reward.
The conditioned response is a preparation for the unconditioned stimulus.
So, the idea here is, repeated pairings of the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus will give rise to the response.
Scientists issued a conditioned sound to associate a certain setting with a good or bad event, and later, all it took was the sound in that setting to evoke the same dopamine response in the mice.
And it says the conditioned response may be different from the unconditioned response.
"Whenever I saw a queue on the street I had a conditioned response to queue, because I knew that there must be something my family needed," Wang said.
Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress.
How do you make conditioned stimulus, conditioned response things go away?
But what happens through learning is that another association develops that between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response.
Follow the same routine every night so your body gets into a habit and is conditioned for a sleep response.
And now it's known as the conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response.
Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress. More.
Kirby and Kaufer labeled hippocampal cells created over a three-day period in a group of rats, and then conditioned a fear response in these rats two weeks later.
Then there is the realization that the mind is the past, the mind is this conditioned response.
Behavioral psychologists believe that this automatic or conditioned response accounts for human mental activity as well.
There is the tree, and the conditioned response to the tree, which is the "me" in relationship, the "me" who is the very centre of conflict.
A type of learning in which a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a reflex response or respondent behaviour - Also referred to as Pavlovian Conditioning.
The conditioned response, once it is firmly established, can be extinguished dozens of times, but it sill always return, like the proverbial bad penny.
That is, idea is the result of the thought process, the thought process is the response of memory, and memory is always conditioned.
A conditioned response that anticipates the occurrence of an aversive stimulus.
The impairment of learning and memory of lead exposed rats was evaluated by examining the passive avoidance response and conditioned avoidance response.
Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of conditioned immune response (CIR) on bronchial asthma in mice.
First of all there is a superficial awareness. Then there is the awareness of the conditioned response. Then there is the realization that the mind is the past, the mind is this conditioned response.
Exhibiting or trained to exhibit a conditioned response.
These responses can be tested by classic pavlovian experiments that bring about a conditioned response.
A fundamental law of conditioning is that any pattern that is continually reinforced will become an automatic and conditioned response. Anything we fail to reinforce will eventually dissipate.
When the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are brought together over and over and over again, pretty soon the conditioned stimulus gives rise to the response.
When the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are brought together over and over and over again, pretty soon the conditioned stimulus gives rise to the response.