You can use components in several different ways to conduct operations.
A corporation shall conduct operations within the range approved and registered.
An enterprise as a legal person shall conduct operations within the range approved and registered.
Article 42 an enterprise as legal person shall conduct operations within the range approved and registered.
Consequently, it has become faster and cheaper for businesses to conduct operations, while maintaining a very high level of accounting accuracy.
The lack of reliable radios made it almost impossible to conduct operations above company size since units could not coordinate their activities once the battle had started.
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in a country where U.S. forces are not able to conduct ground operations has stirred heated debates over the legality, effectiveness, and morality of these strikes.
Among the missing visitors are the certifiers and auditors companies need to conduct their operations.
The goal of the computer attack tools, the report said, is "to deny an adversary access to information essential to conduct combat operations."
A group of Republican lawmakers Thursday called on executives of other technology companies to follow [gm99nd] 's lead and conduct a review of their operations in China.
周四美国一些共和党议员呼吁其他科技公司效仿[gm 66nd],对它们在中国的业务进行检讨。
In the case of China, therefore, our primary tasks are to maintain macroeconomic balance, to guard against various risks, and to conduct sterilization operations when necessary.
To guide the counterpart department of the provincial resident agencies to conduct their operations.
The newest VMS version for submarines will enhance the vessels' ability to navigate in extreme northern latitudes and conduct under-the-ice operations.
Conduct a benchmark test during normal operations to determine a reasonable number of messages in the message queue for your operations.
Combined task force (CTF) 151 is a multinational task force established to conduct counter piracy operations throughout Gulf of Aden and off the eastern coast of Somalia.
We set expectations for our suppliers and work with them to conduct their operations in compliance with applicable laws and accepted standards of fairness and human decency.
The Royal Navy's ability to conduct expeditionary operations enables the UK to combat security threats at source.
If we take Sun Tzu's bad advice, we will continue to conduct urban operations reluctantly, using an avoidance-based doctrine of assault tactics.
The decision-assistant module can help the commander to conduct direction of air defence operations and improve his capabilities of operation command and decision.
One of CARL VINSON's helicopters, which was airborne at the time of the crash, was immediately dispatched to conduct rescue operations.
Without the prior written consent of Party b, the Company shall not conduct any transaction which may materially affect the assets, obligations, rights or the operations of the Company.
Strong attack, with operations in the disaster areas so that the people of the true meaning of a more perfect harmony true, action by the kind-hearted moral and professional conduct shiny.
The aim of the deployment was to demonstrate the UK's ability to conduct littoral operations in the challenging, hot and humid equatorial and jungle environments of Sierra Leone.
Furthermore, if a user thinks that the battery needs equalizing charge, the user can conduct equalizing charge manually through push-button operations.
Furthermore, if a user thinks that the battery needs equalizing charge, the user can conduct equalizing charge manually through push-button operations.