The latest poll shows a confidence level of 78 per cent.
Increasing the desired confidence level will widen the confidence interval.
It is directly related to our confidence level and state of mind at any given time.
This test combined with several others quantifies and provides the confidence level required.
The rational sampling number was determined in a given precision at a known confidence level.
The higher the confidence level is, the more risky it will be for the same international trade portfolio.
A handshake is more than just a greeting. It's also a message about your personality and confidence level.
A scatter plot can suggest various kinds of correlations between variables with a certain confidence level.
A handshake is more than just a greeting. It is also a message about your personality and confidence level.
The theory of grey relation pattern recognition is introduced. The definition of confidence level is improved.
Sample size formulae that control the width of confidence interval with a certain confidence level are proposed.
These words are not always triggers about confidence level, but they are my first signal that something is amiss.
According to the result, envelopes of load forecasting curve under certain confidence level can also be obtained.
Just sitting up straight in your chair can do wonders not just for your posture but also for your confidence level.
How likely the interval is to contain the parameter is determined by the confidence level or confidence coefficient.
Observe their use of language, tone of voice, confidence level, and preparedness. Learn from their behavior and emulate it.
The program consists of a statistical random sampling designed to detect a 1% incidence of violations at a confidence level of 95%.
Theoretical model obtained by the model updating has a higher confidence level which can be better serving for engineering technology.
On the court, his confidence level is on the rise and he has had some good and not-so-good games while trying to deal with foul trouble.
In this view, a reliability testing technique with confidence level is presented which can estimate blading fatigue life more reasonably.
It also narrates the evaluation methods for uncertainty, showing that the method can truly give the confidence level and accuracy of test.
Depending on the time and resources available and your confidence level, you can decide where the benchmarking exercise can begin and conclude.
High recognition correct rate and confidence level are needed in the autocar tire number recognition system, so the recognition method is studied.
If you're stuck in traffic, not sure where you're going and wearing a wrinkled shirt, your confidence level is going to be pretty low when you arrive.
The Chronicles of the Taiping Rebellion by Xia Xie, as a person concerned, has the extremely high confidence level, but is not regarded as important always.
The results of this study also indicated that thereexisted remarkable differences in self-confidence level and interaction of time and grouping between them.
Mr Shapiro and his colleagues suggest that in the working group II summary, in particular, this led to statements being given a confidence level they did not deserve.
The relation between confidence level and demand possibility distribution and their effect to VRP solution are studied from the angle of model and experiment results.
The relation between confidence level and demand possibility distribution and their effect to VRP solution are studied from the angle of model and experiment results.