We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract stipulations.
We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract stupilations.
2, We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract stipulations.
But it still has twenty-two lines in conformity with the acrostic pattern of chapters 1-4.
但,它仍有22行文字,与1 - 4章的离合格式保持一致。
We find that the quality of your shipment is not in conformity with the agreed specifications.
They're able to choose their actions in conformity with God's will or in defiance of God's will.
We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations.
We manufactured these goods in strict conformity with the detailed specifications in the contract.
States Parties must take steps forward in conformity with the principle of progressive realization.
Inventory must be measured at the acquisition cost in conformity with the historical cost principle.
"Humour" represents conformity with regularity and ends, results from the freedom of human practice.
Standards based: the WS response templates is designed in conformity with the Web Services standards.
However this is neither in the interest of developed countries nor in conformity with the interest of emerging economies.
The Chinese textbooks used shall be in conformity with the norms of the standard spoken and written Chinese language.
They've promised to keep both we quality and the quantity of the 300 bicycles in conformity with the contract stipulations.
Meantime, this trend has reality foundation and is in conformity with the basic requirement of currency internationalization.
Please check all the terms listed in the contract and see if there is anything not in conformity with the terms we agreed on.
Monitoring agencies shall use monitoring equipment in conformity with national standards, and comply with monitoring standards.
Our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipments in conformity with export standards。
Our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards.
The output from this processing is the XML file with the tags that are in conformity with the defined vocabulary for the XSL-FO recommendation.
该处理的输出为带有标签的XML文件,而这些标签将与为xsl - FO推荐标准所定义的词汇表一致。
A holder who, by gross negligence, acquires a negotiable instrument that is not in conformity with the provisions of this Law, shall have no tight thereon, either.
A holder who, by gross negligence, acquires a negotiable instrument that is not in conformity with the provisions of this Law, shall have no tight thereon, either.