WHETHER drivenby grief or curiosity, local people in Minneapolisstill congregate on the banks of the Mississippi Riverto see their collapsed bridge.
Most worms in nature like to congregate in clumps, but the laboratory version of C. elegans has developed an unusual liking for being on its own.
Mashups: This is the facility via which people on the internet can congregate services from multiple vendors to create a completely new service.
Mashups:这个工具可以使Internet 用户聚集来自多家供应商的服务,从而创建一个全新的服务。
Modern pharmacological studies on Jixueteng indicate that it could restrain the congregate of blood platelet, reduce blood pressure and anti-arrhythmia, etc.
Modern pharmacological studies on Jixueteng indicate that it could restrain the congregate of blood platelet, reduce blood pressure and anti-arrhythmia, etc.