This coniferous tree has a conical silhouette and thick bark.
It has been estimated that a single large rainforest or coniferous tree has an evaporative surface area roughly equal to a 40 acre lake.
Nesting in coniferous forest, often greenwood, miscellaneous wood forest types of forest tree thorns or short.
Different climatic regions favor forests of different types of tree, for instance coniferous, broad-leaved deciduous, and broad-leaved tropical.
A coniferous evergreen monoecious tree (Tsuga canadensis) native from Nova Scotia to Alaska and valuable for its timber, as a pulpwood, for tanning, and as an ornamental.
加拿大铁杉:一种松类雌雄同株的常绿树(加拿大铁杉) ,生长于从新斯科舍省到阿拉斯加的地区,其木料作为纸浆用木材、制革以及装饰物很有价值。
A coniferous evergreen monoecious tree (Tsuga canadensis) native from Nova Scotia to Alaska and valuable for its timber, as a pulpwood, for tanning, and as an ornamental.
加拿大铁杉:一种松类雌雄同株的常绿树(加拿大铁杉) ,生长于从新斯科舍省到阿拉斯加的地区,其木料作为纸浆用木材、制革以及装饰物很有价值。