By moving Web services that connect the applications and systems to the grid, you can extend the resource capacity of multiple computers in collaboration with one another in parallel.
The parallel-ssh utility can spawn a maximum of 32 processes to connect to various nodes in parallel.
parallel - ssh实用程序可以生成最多32个进程,并行地连接各个节点。
Connect the 375 Field Communicator with the appropriate connectors in parallel with the instrument or load resistor. The HART connections are not polarity sensitive.
How to connect IGBT in parallel?
The main function is to find a connect path for new arriving unicast and multicast cells in the parallel Multistage Interconnect Network (MIN) of the ATM switch.
The main function is to find a connect path for new arriving unicast and multicast cells in the parallel Multistage Interconnect Network (MIN) of the ATM switch.