Connection tablet are set among all refrigeration galvanic cascade surfaces, and levels of refrigeration galvanic connected by electrical connection in parallel and hot connection in series.
According to the existing problem in production of stripping, the double-tower and parallel connection process and its characteristics, and optimization of operation control were discussed.
The scattering parameter expression of two port properties of impedance Z (in series connection) and admittance Y (in parallel connection) are discussed and their active RC model is presented.
The paper described a multi-pole waveform absorbing filter used in the grid for series or parallel connection, to control the grid pollution to a certain extent and save the power consumption.
The means of reducing diameter for the parallel connection cylinder is put forward in the paper, and correlation parameters are compared and analyzed.
Then the selections of phase number, winding connection, pole number and number of branches in parallel are optimized according to the SRM's symmetry and order of force wave.
接着从对称性、力波阶数等角度研究了SR 电机相数及绕组连接方式、极数、并联支路数的选择问题。
A new method called phase-light showing measurement which is used to achieve the thing that synchronous generators are input in electric network by parallel connection are mentioned.
In this paper a concept of resistance-like is introduced, and its series connection and parallel connections are defined.
Thereinto, in range of 0-1.1 V, both AC in the positive and negative electrode assemble as a symmetry structure via parallel connection which offer more capacitance and less internal resistance.
Lifting force is multiplied in an uncomplicated fashion by parallel connection of several Numatics bellows.
Further, direct current power supply is utilized to recharge the batteries in parallel connection, thereby increasing the efficiency of balancing voltage.
From the point of methodology: using different methods in parallel connection and series connection.
The article expounds several matching types of LED driver, including all in series, all in parallel, series-parallel connection, crossed connection and distributed constant current.
The parallel-connection and variable-speed operation characters of the centrifugal pump groups are studied by conics fitting of the character curves in the high efficiency area.
When the minimal eigenvalue of connection weights matrix is greater than the reciprocal of derivation of its neuron activation function, the network will be convergent in parallel update mode.
The technical failure lies in ignoring the surge slot capacitor parallel connection with low value water cooling electric resistance, and induce abnormal power diffluence wasting.
The high-pressure power supply device employs a parallel resonant topology structured circuit, and a resonant capacitor is in primary and parallel connection with a transformer.
The relations between inverse transmission parameters of the two-port network and networks in series, parallel or cascade connection are deduced.
In this case, the series-wounded silicon carbide rods can be changed to parallel connection, and it can still be used.
This fitting design consists of parallel threads and an external cone. The connection seals on the cone. Stocked in 316 Stainless Steel material.
A new type of MPPT(Maximum Power Point Tracing)control method for sinusoidal courrent parallel feed inverter is presented in connection with the characteristic of photovoltaic array model.
In the process of abbreviated mobile power stations parallel connection, frequency measurement is the key and basis of the parallel connection.
In the fusion device, parallel connection, four-quadrant rectifier with large current becomes more and more popular.
When semiconductor chilling plate is used in parallel connection mode, a DC power supply with a low voltage and high current has to be available.
The Y-parameters of Double-port networks in series-parallel connection and in parallel-series connectoin are deduced, and its application in circuit analysis is introduced.
The Y-parameters of Double-port networks in series-parallel connection and in parallel-series connectoin are deduced, and its application in circuit analysis is introduced.