Connection tablet are set among all refrigeration galvanic cascade surfaces, and levels of refrigeration galvanic connected by electrical connection in parallel and hot connection in series.
In this example, we use its HTTP connection to create a series of requests against the portal.
The third in the Ultimate series, the book examines the connection between our feelings, thoughts and actions when it comes to financial decisions.
As in the previous content in this series, we'll start with the basics (in this case, how to open a connection to a remote resource), but quickly move into more complex territory.
A subgroup of GACVS will be formed to pursue this goal in connection with the series of WHO regulatory preparedness workshops on human vaccines for pandemic influenza.
The Informix communication libraries will trace all the SQLI messages into a series of files, with one file per connection, and with the prefix path provided in the SQLIDEBUG variable.
From the point of methodology: using different methods in parallel connection and series connection.
Pansy spoke to two teenagers in connection with the first article in a series on family life.
Deals with different disposing methods in the application of mesh analysis and node analysis while meeting series-connection resistors connected with current source.
And the resistors have to be omitted while meeting series-connection resistors connected with current source in the application of node analysis.
According to the requirements of monthly and weekly load forecasting in the HeNan load forecasting Project, the synthetic series connection model is chosen for modeling.
The scattering parameter expression of two port properties of impedance Z (in series connection) and admittance Y (in parallel connection) are discussed and their active RC model is presented.
There are two kinds of supply modes of collecting electrode resistance (inner and outer) in the voltage-steadied circuit in which series connection transistor is used.
In this paper a concept of resistance-like is introduced, and its series connection and parallel connections are defined.
The paper described a multi-pole waveform absorbing filter used in the grid for series or parallel connection, to control the grid pollution to a certain extent and save the power consumption.
The article expounds several matching types of LED driver, including all in series, all in parallel, series-parallel connection, crossed connection and distributed constant current.
The relations between inverse transmission parameters of the two-port network and networks in series, parallel or cascade connection are deduced.
This paper focuses on the aspect that the tube set connection types are found to have an effect on the heat transfer performance in the air-cooled condensers through a series of type tests.
The working principle of dry gas sealing and the structure feature of TM02D type series connection type dry gas sealing were analyzed briefly in this article.
文中简要分析了干气密封的工作原理及TM 02 D型串联式干气密封的结构特点。
In this paper, a general method to solve the series connection tuning network is provided, and the characteristics design of one order tuning network is discussed.
Aerospace series - elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 704: electrical elements - Measurement of turns ratio on a transformer used in a coupler.
The knowledge related series connection and content can come according to basic idea on the foundation that masters these basic ideas in adroitness.
Second, establishing two models which can simulate creep characteristic of composite geomembranes: model of six elements paralleling connection and model of six elements in series.
In this case, the series-wounded silicon carbide rods can be changed to parallel connection, and it can still be used.
It employs several relays and the corresponding resistors, which are in series connection. By microcomputer control of the relays, different resistance can be obtained just like a regulation-resistor.
In this paper the spatial strut and tie model is used, and the connection is simplified as a structural system which is composed of a series of steel bars and concrete struts.
The 235-square-metre house also contains a series of small planted courtyards, helping to bring in extra daylight, and creating a visual connection between the interior and the roof garden above.
The Y-parameters of Double-port networks in series-parallel connection and in parallel-series connectoin are deduced, and its application in circuit analysis is introduced.
RLF-series are with indoor brass wore clip of cover , which can be used for the connection of in-wire and branch wire for one-house one meter system .
RLF-series are with indoor brass wore clip of cover , which can be used for the connection of in-wire and branch wire for one-house one meter system .