The announcement came shortly after a leading cleric warned that women who dressed immodestly disturbed young men and the consequent agitation caused earthquakes.
This decision may have been motivated by a desire not to be seen to be adding a major new capability to China's maritime forces, with consequent adverse regional reaction.
We think the antecedent and consequent are not only keep a simple deduce relationship, but a reinforce explanation for the antecedent. It helps reader to understand easily.
Moreover, believing that this impossible situation is one's goal is dangerous because it involves a commitment to believing a lie and a consequent abandonment of rationality.
CEO impersonation fraud is an organized scam which purpose is to fraudulently impersonate a CEO who orders an employee to transfer consequent amounts of money to a third party bank account.
The reduction in bullying—and the consequent improvement in pupil happiness—is surely a worthwhile objective.
Their consequent spending fuels continued growth and creates enough jobs for almost everyone, at least for a time.
During his exile in Switzerland, Christophe went through an unhappy love affair with Anna, the wife of a friend, and the consequent sense of guilt temporarily stilled his genius.
So, the next action needed is to get a set of pumps running to keep coolwater flowing into the reactor vessel and the consequent steam coming out.
But, if holding a degree enhances your earning power – and consequent tax contribution – as much as is claimed, it could, couldn't it?
It is vital to limit the risk of human exposure to the H5N1 virus and the consequent risk of an emergence of a new pandemic virus.
It is a direct functional replacement for IBM's Xerces parser, so the XMLNSC domain has switched to use the new parser with consequent improvement in performance.
The dispute, according to a source, revolves around American's demand that Orbitz connect to AA Direct connect for flight inventory and ancillary services, and consequent distribution economics.
After determining your desired material and consequent price range, browse through shops for options, and search for a design you like.
Assuming a given temperature rise, varying ocean depth and therefore differing rates of mixing and consequent expansion will lead to considerable differences in sea level rise.
Labor market structures, however, may prevent convergence of the Shared income, with those countries showing a lower wage rate and consequent inflow of international capital.
As a consequent, they can't get relax from playing computer games, but also affect their life quality.
As a newly industrialized country, Singapore is unavoidably beset by ageing and the consequent problem of old people during its development.
Tourism is still a kind of cross-cultural exchanges, but its consequent contains both benefits and harms.
Market value is influenced by a company's business prospects and consequent effect on supply (the number of shares available to investors) and demand (the number of shares investors want to buy).
Suburbanization is a process in which people, jobs and service industry in big cites move from inside to outside, and suburban residence of city is the consequent result of suburbanization.
The average positron lifetimes was explained by a proposed model, in which the shifting of Fermi-level affects the defect ionization and consequent positron trapping at defects site.
In logic, a relation that holds between two propositions when they are linked as antecedent and consequent of a true conditional proposition.
The debate over the "aestheticization of daily life" and consequent issues about literature has been a hot topic in the literary and aesthetic circles in the past three years.
In addition, the human race is facing a multitude of issues such as global warming, and consequent water shortages, which could result in huge food shortages.
This suggests that much of the week's rebound in the USD was more about removing excessive USD fears, and consequent short-USD positioning, than about a major revision to the near-term outlook.
This suggests that much of the week's rebound in the USD was more about removing excessive USD fears, and consequent short-USD positioning, than about a major revision to the near-term outlook.