The Nature Conservancy launched a fierce war against the pigs, complete with helicopters and sharp shooters.
Two years ago Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program.
Two years ago, Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program.
The Nature Conservancy has declared war on a multitude of invasive species here, from sheep to plants to the aggressive Argentine ant.
By forging partnerships with people like Francis Altemose, the Conservancy has been able to protect more than 14,000 acres of environmentally important land in the area.
Good conditions for farming, water conservancy facilities.
They spent months of toil on the water conservancy project.
They spent months of toil on the water conservancy project.
So has a Japanese environmental organization, Elsa Nature Conservancy.
于是就有了一个日本环保组织-艾尔莎自然保护协会(Elsa Nature Conservancy)。
Gon is senior scientist and cultural advisor for the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii.
Water resources conservancy lands: used for water conservancy and the facilities.
Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute can provide certificate of enrollment in Chinese.
Sudan Volunteer Programme, Bagaduish Holiday Centre, and in Appalachian Trail conservancy work.
The horn of a rhino shot dead by poachers at the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in central Kenya on Dec. 9, 2010.
We will put great effort into water conservancy, and comprehensively strengthen agricultural and rural infrastructure.
Yet wind turbines often provoke greater outrage than cats do, said Gavin Shire, vice President of the Bird Conservancy.
Lead the farmers in major grain producing areas to initiate and complete more water conservancy infrastructure construction.
At the control centre of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission in Zhengzhou, water allocations are displayed on a wall-sized screen.
The Nature Conservancy has been using Flickr for their annual digital photography contest for the last 3 years, with some impressive results.
Combined with examples, the calculation of water conservancy project public benefit value, the project quality evaluation more practical.
Cost control is a very complex issue in the construction phase for the water conservancy construction enterprise which involves many contents.
We will accelerate restoration and reconstruction of infrastructure, including transportation, communications, energy, water conservancy and distribution.
He installed them with loans from the bank and grants from the Nature Conservancy, becoming in 2003 the first in his village to adopt alternative energy.
用银行的贷款和自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)的资助,他在2003年成为了村里第一个用上再生能源的人。
The pair got engaged at Lewa Downs Wildlife Conservancy near Mount Kenya—which happens to be owned the by the family of Jecca Craig, who William once dated.
这对情侣是在肯尼亚山附近的里瓦唐斯野生动物保护区订婚的。 保护区的所有者是杰卡·克雷格的家族所有,巧合的是威廉王子与杰卡曾经约会过。
This is true, for example, for such elements of the package as rural water conservancy and electrification and reconstruction in earthquake devastated areas.
This is true, for example, for such elements of the package as rural water conservancy and electrification and reconstruction in earthquake devastated areas.