Also correct damage boundary curve to avoid damage test, reduce over package design caused by conservative design, make package design approach distribution reality.
The city's conservative attitude toward urban design is surprising, given its reputation as an innovator, particularly in the field of technology.
She heard that I would like to thorn in the design, shocking eyes wide open. I said Jeanne Dear, can you the secret to my conservative?
Make sure that you design for some ground motion that has the small chance of happening. We want to be pretty conservative.
It is also improper that secondary stress is totally substituted by axial stress when checking fatigue safety, because such design is too conservative.
Model transformation method are induced to avoid conservative robust design by decreasing the model uncertainties .
In current designing, the soil pressure formulas for bulkhead wall are used usually, which make the design for the retaining structure conservative.
Inside, the design is slightly more conservative than its outer skin, filled with light from a large central skylight and styled in a contemporary fashion.
It indicates that design technique of the fixed support model is conservative and that design technique of the elastic support model has certain economy.
But by doing this, what design institute obtained is customer's comment that design work was conservative and project process was slow, and this is what design institute cannot understand and accept.
Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design.
Besides, the current bridge and culvert design criterion takes some basic postulation during the calculation of the bridge's member in bending, which results in over-conservative numeric value.
There is no criterion of design and references to the structural design of blast resistant doors, so lack of security or being too conservative may appear in the design.
Bold use of color on the Red Chinese. Breakthrough design style of the ancient Chinese Jiangnan Villa conservative cultural characteristics, and more inclined to court culture style.
In this paper, we are concerned with scalar conservation law in one space dimension, we design a nonlinear conservative difference scheme based on entropy-dissipation.
In this paper, we are concerned with scalar conservation law in one space dimension. We design a nonlinear conservative difference scheme.
The calculating result shows that the original design is not only unreasonable but also conservative. The article provides the basis for further improving the structural design of JJK-3 windlass base.
计算结果表明,原设计是不尽合理且偏于保守,并为进一步改进JJ K型卷扬机机座的结构设计提供了依据。
Ratcheting rates are constant due to the EPP model, which yields reasonable conservative ratcheting boundary for engineering design.
The results indicate that it is conservative to design CFST arch Bridges by using allowable stress method in steel tube, and that it is reasonable to use limit state method.
The vibrating action creates some agitation to the fuel bed and thus, the design heat release is a little more conservative than for a traveling grate.
The vibrating action creates some agitation to the fuel bed and thus, the design heat release is a little more conservative than for a traveling grate.