Members of the Academy hoped that this might encourage the Royal Family to keep the Academy open at a time when many in the government were considering closing it.
What if, instead of considering time in terms of astronomy, we related time to ecology?
Once you are in the habit of considering how the light is falling on your subject you can select a viewpoint and time of day so that the light enhances your subject, rather than detracts from it.
Since Newton’s time, mathematicians and physicist have investigated the tides by considering the response of the oceans to the tide-generating forces.
Since Newton's time, mathematicians and physicist have investigated the tides by considering the response of the oceans to the tide-generating forces.
Remember when considering the price, consider that the results of cosmetic dentistry are designed to stand the test of time. You'll be able to spend the rest of your life smiling with confidence.
When considering testing, don't forget about performance-testing efforts and time that you may need to allocate to the remediation of performance defects.
This time the computational memory was 78%, an alarming figure considering no other application was running, and it provided a new direction to our train of thought.
At the time I was applying, some of my colleagues in management consulting were also considering an MBA.
These companies have stable earnings, modest valuations and yields that beat anything on offer from the Treasury, considering the ability of dividends to grow with earnings over time.
If you need to use a media card reader or a particular printer, for instance, it's probably worth checking ahead of time whether the distros you're considering have worked with it before.
Considering the complexity of all living creatures, dispassionate observers might say "about time too".
Considering how much time the role of product owner takes, however, it is relatively rare to find a product owner that would have the capacity to take on development work as well.
Considering my salary back then, I spent over a thousand dollars' worth of my time - and wasn't entitled to a penny in damages.
And when considering anything new, ask for feedback and share your ideas and plans ahead of time.
Once the children were home, Brownrigg and her husband spent lots of time considering what type of formula to use.
The construction of the setting is quite impressive in itself considering the labor and time that went in making it.
Considering that Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world and the greatest time depth in its literature, this interest is long overdue.
Considering the hundreds of online friends people tend to accumulate on these social networking sites, those time savings really add up.
For years, Microsoft was loathe to adopt support for unratified standards, considering them a moving target and thus a waste of time.
Start with the list of charities on the right and if a group you are considering supporting isn't there, then take the time to thoroughly research it before making a gift.
When considering a big decision, take your time and apply a few of the steps above.
If you're considering using the services of a doula it's a good time to do your research and hire someone.
If you're considering using the services of a doula, it's a good time to do your research and hire someone.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later released a statement telling all Americans considering a vacation in the Congo that if getting beheaded is their idea of a fun time, then by all means.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later released a statement telling all Americans considering a vacation in the Congo that if getting beheaded is their idea of a fun time, then by all means.