What if, instead of considering time in terms of astronomy, we related time to ecology?
Time is so valued in America, because by considering time to be important one can clearly achieve more than if one "wastes" time and doesn't keep busy.
A landslide risk assessment and management considering time effect is proposed.
When you're considering time frames, be sure to consider departmental factors as well.
So considering time and resource contain, it needs a method that can obtain dynamic balance between, obtain optimize in cost, quality, time.
The hydrological year was determined by long series rainfall data and the hydrological regime was predicated by considering time series method.
An integrated model and its solution for the coordinated optimization problem considering time-varying load demand in distribution systems are proposed in this paper.
Based on temporal reasoning thought, the model proposed fault path search strategy considering time sequence, which enabled the model to have temporal characteristic.
Negative skin friction is one of important problems in design of pile foundation, but the negative skin friction of pile groups considering time effect is less studied.
It is a simple and effective way to analyze soil mechanical properties by means of earth pressure model considering time-displacement effect and back-analysis based on site test data.
To extend the detection distance from short range, improvements to the judgment accuracy can be made via software programming, considering time change, heat-source location, and human movement.
Members of the Academy hoped that this might encourage the Royal Family to keep the Academy open at a time when many in the government were considering closing it.
Actually I've been considering offering extra credit, because I've been having a tough time getting volunteers.
He is considering dropping his piano course and spending more time on his study.
Considering all the time, money, effort, and lost opportunities associated with these failures, they are a tremendous drain on an organization.
Once the children were home, Brownrigg and her husband spent lots of time considering what type of formula to use.
But the European Medicines Agency will allow the diabetes drug on the market for a few months, considering patients need some time to discuss with their doctors about other therapies.
It may seem frightening at first, because you are considering the time, money, and effort, but wouldn't it be worth it?
He plans to stay with his brother in Cleveland for a short time but is considering a move to either Cincinnati or New Orleans.
The RNG creators recognised that when you're thinking about modeling a schema, you don't really want to waste time considering excess Angle brackets.
So, considering their closeness in time and space, their friendship, and their acknowledged mutual influence, it's not surprising that their music, to the casual ear, sounds similar.
When considering a big decision, take your time and apply a few of the steps above.
Considering how much time the role of product owner takes, however, it is relatively rare to find a product owner that would have the capacity to take on development work as well.
The three items rated highly by the user were chosen randomly from the user's highly rated items, without considering rating time.
He attributed that to the value that people place on their time, considering how much time and effort a good travel agent can save.
The construction of the setting is quite impressive in itself considering the labor and time that went in making it.
Congress is considering such a move, but not in time to reduce this season's uncertainty.
Congress is considering such a move, but not in time to reduce this season's uncertainty.