To enforce consistent detail in the unit test specifications, we included them in the peer review process.
Most developers did some form of unit testing even without being asked; however, we found tremendous value in formalizing the unit test process to ensure consistent rigor and quality.
Plus, such integration would force the designs to be more consistent because they are created as a single unit rather than by separate teams.
When it comes to large applications and unit testing, the data is consistent: Projects that implement unit tests as an afterthought fail miserably.
I think academic research groups would gain a lot by using code reviews, and of course the things that go with them: good coding practices, a consistent style guide, insistence on unit tests.
Ahmed Seoudy lists a number of measures, which including revised the number of imported fabrics. The purpose is to let the import quantity and unit of the actual needs to remain consistent.
If the unit was considered as subjects of crimes of traffic accident, it was not consistent with the principle of restraint and would bring a chaos into the punishment of the criminal crime.
A new method based on laser energizing is used to supply consistent current for the part of high-voltage unit.
A new method based on laser energizing is used to supply consistent current for the part of high-voltage unit.