Create the database table for this resource by going to the Console TAB (circled in yellow in Figure 3) and typing the following command in the command prompt.
The Monitor Console also provides options to map to a custom table, filter rows and columns, and define advanced table mappings.
Create a Contact table in the ContactDB database by running DDL in the ij console (see Listing 1).
For the Blade Manager extensions mentioned above, other new tasks (autoreg exe, autoreg vp, autoreg migrate-console, and autoreg migrate test) tasks were added to the ph_task table.
对上述BladeManager扩展,其他新任务(autoregexe、autoregvp、autoregmigrate - console和autoreg移植测试)被添加到ph _ task表格。
Output: Table view of configuration problems (separate options of Error, Warning; information available in the administration console).
Table 1 shows the properties of the resources you need to define when you create them in the Admin Console.
The output file with the RecipeJAUS step packet sequence is stored in the RCS database as a JAUSRecipe table record whose key is displayed in the console at the end of the compilation.
You will see console messages confirming that the Derby database table is created.
The first home videogame console, Magnavox's Odyssey, included a digital version of table tennis, and then there was Atari's Pong.
The driller operates the pumps, drawworks, and rotary table via the drillers console-a control room of gauges, control levers, rheostats, and other pneumatic, hydraulic and electronic instrumentation.
The dining room, set at the oposite side of the apartment, is furnished with a simple wooden table and console, custom-made by the architects.
The Spike Collection juxtaposes brass-plated iron spikes with smooth, honed white marble. The collection of tables includes a Coffee Table, Console and Accent Table.
The Spike Collection juxtaposes brass-plated iron spikes with smooth, honed white marble. The collection of tables includes a Coffee Table, Console and Accent Table.