Do you believe it all in real life: the aliens, people from outer space, UFOs, government conspiracies, all the things that the TV series deal with?
The Tempest contains certain antimasque elements, such as the conspiracies for murder.
Sometimes I believe in conspiracies and sometimes I don't.
Does the training program include recognizing internal conspiracies?
Yet little evidence supports claims about Satanic cults or conspiracies.
It appeared that they had engaged in fresh conspiracies from the very moment of their release.
All of those of you involved in all these conspiracies, we cry for you, because some of you are old souls.
Let us talk about Gaia first, and if we're going to talk about Gaia, we have to talk about the conspiracies.
Sometimes the truth can be just as interesting, if not more so, than the conspiracies that people come up with.
Of Ireland, the Dalcassians, of hopes, conspiracies, of Arthur Griffith now, A E, pimander, good shepherd of men.
I am forced through intrigues and conspiracies and dirty tricks of all kinds to leave the Only German Fatherland.
Such is the life of the typical CIA employee-that is, if you believe the countless websites devoted to conspiracies that don't exist.
Of course, we might share their belief in Grey Alien conspiracies, in which case the conversation would shift to an entirely different level.
He said citizens needed dignity. He acknowledged Syria's economic woes and spared his audience his usual railing against foreign conspiracies.
There have been numerous myths, mysteries and conspiracies dating from the dawn of the civilization to the advanced world of the 21st century.
For some of Lorlene's older Trotskyite friends, it was simpler still. There were no such things as mishaps; life was a series of remarkable conspiracies.
Of late Mr Zardari has been playing the "Sindh card" by whipping up sub-nationalist sentiment against the "anti-PPP conspiracies" hatched in the dominant province, Punjab.
This new scandal suggests that, no matter how many conspiracies it survives, AK will remain a target of those who resent its encroachment on their traditional bastions of power.
John Reid, the home secretary, reckons that in total around 20 such conspiracies have been discovered by MI5, the domestic intelligence service, MI6, the foreign intelligence service, and the police.
内政部长约翰·里德,估计MI5 -军情五处,MI6 -军情六处和警察总共发现了大约20起类似的阴谋。
John Reid, the home secretary, reckons that in total around 20 such conspiracies have been discovered by MI5, the domestic intelligence service, MI6, the foreign intelligence service, and the police.
内政部长约翰·里德,估计MI5 -军情五处,MI6 -军情六处和警察总共发现了大约20起类似的阴谋。