The article focuses on quantity analysis, discussion of using constant quantity instrument to do semimicro chemical analysis experiment.
In zero pressure gradient flow, this local momentum loss is Minost an additive constant quantity. On the other hand, adverse pressure gradient results in amplification of this momentum loss.
And that implies that since the quantity we want is given by this quantity, which is zero times a constant, the quantity we want is also zero.
Explanation is useless, but the sensation remains and, with it, the constant attractions of a universe inexhaustible in quantity.
One area where the conflict between quantum theory and relativity comes to the fore is in the gravitational constant, g, the quantity that describes the strength of gravity.
So, in fact, you know, when you plug in these things, normally you get a quantity that's of a form, something times t plus a constant because that's what you plug into the equation of a plane.
Then we can take the derivative of that quantity, when we vary the temperature, holding the volume constant.
3 (Exercise) If both demand and supply have constant elasticity, compute the monopoly quantity and price.
This quantity is called the universal gas constant.
If you have a quantity which is constant over any closed path, that quantity is a thermodynamics state function.
The testing methods about cooling-constant and quantity of heat-exchange between the calorimetric system and its environment are introduced.
This paper analyses the physical constant constructing by dimensional method and introduces the important mean of dimension of quantity in physical constant constructing.
This quantity is called the universal gas constant.
With the constant increase of enterprise's data quantity, we should offer the integrated and historical data to senior administrator.
The effect of recharge quantity of refrigerant (adsorbate) under the condition of keeping the adsorbent quantity constant on performance of the cooling tube is studied in the paper.
Continuing the contract dealings through fixed quantity, price, scheduled time, and constant quality.
In addition, the relationships between the quantity of composite product, the price of composite product, constant price index, current price index, true price index and inflation are presented.
A quantity whose value remains unchanged is called a constant.
In water supply system, water supply in constant pressure means that terminal pressure keeps constant all the time when the quantity of dispended water varies.
The constant of electrostatic charge decay time is an important physical quantity that can describe the electrostatics property of materials.
Should be opposite according to oneself the requirement of humidity, reasonable adjustment wet value of sparge quantity and constant.
The constant of electrostatic charge decay time is a important physical quantity that can describe the electrostatics property of materials.
With the economy growing, the vehicle quantity increases rapidly and the kind of the vehicle is in constant increase too, which will cause that the vehicles reference material will increase.
An automatic constant pressure glue feeding device ensures proper viscosity and good quantity of the adhesive tape.
The simulation results demonstrate that the method has advantages of constant parameters, small calculation quantity, fast-speed and high-accuracy, it is good at real-time predicting tracking.
There are large variations of atmospheric water vapor from place to place and from time to time, but the total quantity over the entire Earth is virtually constant.
There are large variations of atmospheric water vapor from place to place and from time to time, but the total quantity over the entire Earth is virtually constant.