We're not going to have the constant pressure heat capacity, but the constant volume heat capacity.
On constant volume hoods, this raises the capture velocity.
And it's still adiabatic, but now it's constant volume. And it's also reversal right.
Delivers constant volume of air proven to stimulate breathing with as few as 5-10 pumps.
Comparison of the condensate gas Whole core failure and constant volume depletion process.
So what we've discovered from this relationship dq that du at constant volume is equal to dq v.
The closed system of bomb plus water bath has a constant volume and is thermally insulated.
When I flail my arms around I generate work and heat. This is not a constant volume process.
You know how pressure changes with temperature at constant volume if you know the equation of state.
Energy content of fuel is obtained in most cases in an adiabatic, constant volume bomb calorimeter.
It's related to the heat capacity, the constant volume of heat capacity and something you could measure.
Constant Volume Constant copper brush sliding contact characteristics of a good grip, noise, interference-free.
The heat values under constant volume(Qv) of edible soya oil were measured with WZR-1A microcomputer calorimetry.
The inactivation kinetics model in the constant volume heat process was then obtained and based on it, the kinetics model during .
For the simplified system was applied in a constant volume combustion chamber, the combustible mixture can be ignited at any situation.
For gases, one has to distinguish between the changes of state which take place under constant volume and those under constant pressure.
The results show that the specific heat capacity at constant volume in a fractal medium is always less than that in a homogenous medium.
The consideration of Constant Volume Flash was used, rigorous phase equilibrium and hydraulics was adopted in the calculation of every plate.
If that changes, of course you know that the pressure in there is going to change at constant volume if the amount of gas in there is changing.
The flash model with constant volume was adopted, so the vapor fraction and the pressure of each stage could be acquired precisely and exactly.
The tests were carried out in a constant volume tunnel in which the flow velocity, the environmental density and its temperature can be changed.
The spray wall-impingement experiments of dimethyl ether(DME) and diesel were carried out in a constant volume chamber by using a high speed camera.
According to the principle of the mass balance and constant volume sampling, a full-flow dilution tunnel particle sampling system was designed and adjusted.
The methods of the constant volume and the dynamic comparison of quantitative gas are used in the calibration apparatus of pressure leak to calibrate the pressure leak.
Yes, and if we have gases involved, it's pretty similar, but now what will have is something like this. We'll have a reaction vessel that's sealed, it's constant volume.
The oil tank body forms into constant volume, and is provided with a digital graduated level gauge, and an oil outlet pipe is connected to a main fuel tank of an automobile.
An experimental system of constant volume combustion bomb with variable turbulence parameters is designed and carried out for the fundamental research of premixed turbulent combustion.
Turbulent characteristics of different frequency band in constant volume combustion bomb can be realized by changing the structure of the perforated plate and the velocity of driving motor.
With an aim to solve the long-term existing problem of the cracks in flow-front during thixo-forging, a new theory of constant volume flux of slurry was put forward in optimizing die design.
With an aim to solve the long-term existing problem of the cracks in flow-front during thixo-forging, a new theory of constant volume flux of slurry was put forward in optimizing die design.