What makes Construction phase iterations special, then, is the marked sense of progress implicit in each analyze-design-code-test cycle that is brought to completion every few weeks.
The major design of the system was known up front, but the implementation was still a work-in-progress during the construction of the software.
Companies provide labor in this project. According to the safety and guarantee the construction progress Arrange labor.
Network planning technique is an effective manner in construction project management which is popularized and applied widely on progress plan and management.
Because its working condition is bad, presents like on the breakdown frequently in the use, serious influence project construction progress.
In order to improve the construction progress of urbanization, the architecture of the engineering construction investment increasing.
Youth League Organization, the main force and a vital new force in the construction of campus culture, makes constant practice, improvement and progress.
Product safety can not be guaranteed, resulting in construction accidents, not only delayed the progress of the project, but also in the enterprise caused a very negative impact.
But there exist some problems in the highway engineering in our country, has restricted the progress of our country's highway construction work.
In the progress of city figure mold, the construction of city Sculpture is keep away from the realty, opposing follow blindly.
In the spiritual civilization construction, in recent years have made great progress in social undertakings have achieved remarkable results, showing a lot of bright spots.
After the construction of the car washing machine construction site in Luqiao, which is not an area of small equipment to promote the great progress of Luqiao site vehicle cleaning.
Design alteration isn't in the range of construction work quantity; supplied geological information, which doesn't conform to actual condition, has an influence on construction progress.
With advances in technology have made continuous progress, "the computer, telecommunications, construction, " the triple intelligent residential life is getting closer and closer to us.
That Party a don't pay advance payment, progress payment and price difference in purchased materials via procurement agent as per contractual specifications influences construction progress.
Work out monthly progress plan and weekly progress plan to ensue the construction schedule in different construction stages to be completed on time.
It has been discovered that the scientific method, which restricts the scientific object as well as its construction or system, is the internal motive force in the progress of science.
The paper expatiates the management emphases and method of progress, quality and safety in the process of construction project building.
In China, scientific moral construction has achieved some progress, but there are still some problems in it.
This technique has its own remarkable advantages in splice quality, improvement of construction environment, raising of working efficiency and guarantee of construction progress.
By means of the application of the theory of fuzzy comprehensive judgement for administration of engineering progress project in construction, economic proficiency will be boosted.
In petrified craft mature today, the progress change then has become an influence construction cost important attribute day by day.
In the construction task, more difficult, interference, time tight case, make sure the project safety quality construction progress.
With the progress of era and people strict request, grille have been widespread in various construction.
Void marriage system in the amendment of 2001 marriage law makes great progress and supplies the gap in the construction of laws of marriage in China.
With the acceleration of infrastructure progress, effective control and management of the civil engineering construction progress is an important task in engineering management.
There are many uncertainties and risks in the construction process of EPC turnkey projects, which will definitely affect the progress, quality, safety and the realization of cost goals.
To prefabricate box-girder is important in concrete cable-stayed bridge construction, it affects directly the main bridge construction of assembly progress and packing accuracy.
To prefabricate box-girder is important in concrete cable-stayed bridge construction, it affects directly the main bridge construction of assembly progress and packing accuracy.