In the construction of steel pipe scaffold on electric welding machine, vibrator and other electrical equipment should be placed in dry wood, operators shall wear insulating protective equipment.
So should avoid latex coatings and polyurethane resin coating and construction, had better be in polyurethane resin coating completely dry brush again latex coating, can avoid the yellow phenomenon.
Compared with the method of wet construction, dry construction has an edge over the latter in terms of its transparency in construction, precise engineering and relatively shorter construction period.
In construction of a railway's soft subgrade, the technique of dry vibration gravel pile was used to consolidate the soft subgrade and a good result was obtained.
This paper presents the definition of dry port, based on analysis of the advantages of construction of Xi 'an dry port, explains the significance of dry port construction in Xi 'an.
The article introduces the design, construction, quality control and effect in the application of dry jet mixing pile to the reinforcement of soft clay ground in a project.
Local techniques were also borrowed like the characteristic dry wall construction found in abundance in the island.
Therefore, container transport operators have been investing a lot of capitals in the construction of "dry depots" network.
Based on a project practice, the article discusses some problems about Piles Dry Jet Mixing Method in the design; construction and testing. Finally it gives some Appraisements.
The road works shall be done in two steps. First step: road bed construction, manual placement of block stones and dry pressing of crushed stones and reserved concrete layer;
Can be used in steel form, block, concrete tire mold, dry or wet modulus of mould construction of cast-in-situ concrete products or steamed keep off the use.
Various water stopping structures were used in the construction, thus ensuring satisfactory conditions for dry construction in the dock and obtaining good results.
When Ms. Wu's husband talks about going to Nanjing to find work this summer after the construction jobs dry up in Beijing, her quick smile fades and she puts her head in her hands.
Jian Ping County's practice in improving dry and Sandy land has proved that the ecological construction With conservation of Water and soil as key work the plantation of trees and grass as ke...
In the hot season, especially in hot dry areas and the thin layer Xiangyang construction, need water retention of high quality HPMC hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose slurry to improve.
Jian Ping County's practice in improving dry and Sandy land has proved that the ecological construction With conservation of Water and soil as key work the plantation of tre...
Construction of foundation and basement is chosen in the dry season in order to reduce the exposure time of excavation.
As construction booms in emerging economies and more sources dry up, however, exploitation of the remaining ones is likely to intensify.
The corrosion kinds and mechanisms in shift construction in dry powder coal plant was briefly stated in this article. Meanwhile, the requirements in material selection were explained.
The corrosion kinds and mechanisms in shift construction in dry powder coal plant was briefly stated in this article.
The corrosion kinds and mechanisms in shift construction in dry powder coal plant was briefly stated in this article.