Turns out, according to Daniel Cook, a historian of childhood consumerism, it was popularised as a marketing trick by clothing manufacturers in the 1930s.
Consumerism begets more consumerism, right?
Show that giving can be amazing, but it doesn't have to involve consumerism.
The planet benefits from this sort of happiness, because it promotes anti-consumerism.
In a world preoccupied with consumerism and petty self-interest, that gives life dignity.
I’ve mentioned consumerism a few times now and I think I should say a few words about it.
我在文章中多次提到消费至上主义,所以我想我应该对此做出一些解释。 首先,我要从我并不支持消费至上主义这一点说起。
Yep, it's the holiday season again, and with it comes the worst season for consumerism ever.
You don't need consumerism to be very happy - in fact, I'd argue that life is better without it.
A love for living well without getting sucked into consumerism and keeping up with expectations.
Some contemporary analysts see our current epidemic as a response to a culture of hyper-consumerism;
Nor is the self-centred consumerism of the “five C” dream exclusive to the newly industrialised tigers.
When I go to China these days, I am struck by how much individualism there is, how much consumerism there is.
Mindfulness - being aware of the consequences of consumerism and materialism and always wanting more and more.
What was remarkable was how liberating it felt to be at a cathedral to consumerism like that and not spend a dime.
Consumerism in this second sense and environmentalism, both powerful in Western societies, do not coexist comfortably.
The bubbly asset prices, ever easier credit and cheap oil that fuelled America's age of consumerism are not about to return.
Instead, she says, han is a willing participant in a process that channels the disaffected energy of youth into consumerism.
Lydia Liu说。事实上,韩寒主动地成为了将年轻人的不满情绪向消费主义转换的桥梁。
But modern consumerism was stimulating the appetite for instant gratification and irrational self-expression, Mr Bell worried.
Consumerism at its finest, perhaps, but phones and tablets could become as common as your single use convenience store cameras.
Jack Anderson, of Hornall Anderson, a branding agency, hopes that pop-ups will revive the home of American consumerism: the mall.
杰克·安德森(Jack Anderson)是荷耐尔•安德森公司(Hornall Anderson)旗下的一家品牌化机构,它希望“弹出”能够在有“美国消费主义之家”之称的购物中心复兴。
These birds reflect back an appallingly emblematic result of the collective trance of our consumerism and runaway industrial growth.
Neither modern consumerism nor the back-to-nature sentiments that make people yearn for rural bliss get a good write-up from Mr Rushby.
Kerouac was criticising 1950s consumerism, of course, but his description captures what makes a city thrive: millions hustling for a buck.
A minimalist is simply one who questions the necessity of things, and who tries to live with what's necessary, rather than with consumerism.
The rise of consumerism in the emerging economies-the global slowdown notwithstanding-also represents a huge opportunity for the toy industry.
The rise of consumerism in the emerging economies-the global slowdown notwithstanding-also represents a huge opportunity for the toy industry.