We will now change our application to use WebSphere application Server transaction management so that the contact information we added becomes part of an existing transaction.
现在,我们将使用WebSphere ApplicationServer事务管理来更改我们的应用程序,这样我们添加的联系人信息将变为现有事务的一部分。
Stop using Gmail as the contact E-mail for sensitive information (and change E-mail details on any current sensitive accounts).
How do I update my personal contact information, change my password or sign up to receive notifications from Cisco?
Go to the Personal information section to update your contact information, change your password or subscribe to receive notifications from Cisco.
Network — article from the Shanghai Nanyang pump manufacturing companies in information technology processing centre, if we have infringement please contact us, we will delete or change the time.
文章选自网络- - - - - -上海南洋泵业制造公司信息技术中心加工,如果我们有侵权请你和我们联系,我们会及时的删除或更改。
The information provided here will supersede all the contact details previously provided to BCT. Please complete all the items to effect the change.
This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
Changes to your contact information. You should keep us informed of any change in your electronic or mailing address or other contact information.
Changes to your contact information. You should keep us informed of any change in your electronic or mailing address or other contact information.