It provides two operations for person contact: one is to save the contact information, and the other is to query the contact information according to the person's name.
Each PersonSelection entry contains a Person object that holds information about a live name, contact name, display name, and so on.
Just like a human user, the bot logs into Lotus Sametime with a user name and password and appears as an online person in your contact list.
You gave your business a name and a description and defined a contact person at the company.
Name, address, contact and person in charge of the direct selling enterprises and their branches, and name, address, contact and person in charge of the service net;
Each travel agency selected one point of contact name and email address on the list. That person will be first point of contact for all inquiries.
The customer communicates to LPLKF the name of a contact person who coordinates with the services in his company.
I'm trying to write a letter to one of our clients, but I just don't know exactly what to say, and I don't know the name of the contact person.
Name of the host or company in the Schengen states and contact person in host company.
When you give your contact information first you are far more likely to entice the person you called into writing down your name and number for a call back.
Name of host or company in the Schengen states and contact person in host company. If not applicable, give name of hotel or temporary address in the Schengen states.
If yes, provide name, address, and contact person of any other sites performing manufacturing operations and if applicable, specify the part number or formulation on p. 4.
If off-site storage is used, give name, address, phone number, contact person and type of products stored at off-site facility.
If off-site storage is used, give name, address, phone number, contact person and type of products stored at off-site facility.