As part of the execution, the service implementation creates a response attachment container and adds it to the SOAP message context.
The combination of these patterns provided coherent, decoupled access to execution context details.
The direction of this execution context parameter should be set as IN_OUT, since the information it carries goes back and forth between the calling component and the rule service.
Encapsulated context object provided a way of encapsulating the execution context of service and framework elements.
Figure 8 shows a prototypical section of the rule flow that would make use of this execution context parameter.
You can design applications to use signal information to decide a course of action, giving applications full control within their execution context.
The OV-5 clarifies roles, responsibilities, and order of execution with respect to accomplishing key mission objectives in the context of the operational enterprise.
OV - 5阐明了与完成运作企业环境中的关键任务目标有关的角色、责任,和执行顺序。
Note that the context of the workflow detail influences the interpretation of the execution of the activity.
This is true of the business context as well as the implementation and execution environments.
If you select the Console TAB, code is executed within the context of the function where execution stopped — this allows you to modify variable content or call functions on the fly.
Because JUnit itself decorates all test cases with a setUp and a tearDown method, execution times must be considered within the overall context of a test scenario.
The scripting layer represents a runtime execution context for C# or Visual Basic snippets of code.
脚本层代表的是C#或者VisualBasic代码片段的运行时执行上下文(runtime execution context)。
Execution of malicious scripts within a trusted domain or context.
Figure 1 demonstrates how the transaction context follows the path of execution from servlet to EJB to EJB.
If this parameter is set to true, BPMProcessor stores ReplyTo information of the service invoker in JBPM execution context of the newly created process instance.
WebSphere Application Server USES the identity in the security context for the thread of execution when processing the request.
Because sending of email is very quick operation, we have decided to implement it as a synchronous action handler, which means that it is executed within Oozie execution context.
A business service is a business function whose execution can be adapted at runtime based on business policy and user context. The key characteristics of a business service are that it is.
The main constructs defined by JPDL includes nodes and execution context. JPDL defines the following types of nodes
The Activity diagram (described in Part 2 of the article) uses the functions of the test context for its execution.
活动图(如文中第 2 所描述的)执行时使用测试环境的功能。
The three model forms most useful in this context are a structure model of the rule groups, a dependency map among groups, and the execution flows that the rule engine itself performs.
The context information establishes an execution environment that affects the output of a service for the equivalent input.
The third issue that Stephen discusses is the concept of contexts, specifically the synchronization context and the execution context.
Stephen所讨论的第三个问题是上下文的概念,特别是同步上下文(synchronizationcontext)和执行上下文(execution context)。
HttpClient does not support preemptive authentication out of the box, but you can use a protocol interceptor to preemptively introduce an AuthScheme instance to the execution context.
A business service represents a business-aligned function whose execution can be adapted at run-time based on business policy and user context. The key characteristics of a business service are.
One interesting aspect is the ability to define the execution context of the callback function (such as in softirq or hardiirq context).
Execution context is placed within a Main method, allowing definition of other classes and methods inside LINQPad editor to support testing. SQL.
The hardware context is a subset of the process execution context, which includes all information needed for the process execution.
Clause to switch the execution context of a dynamic statement.
Care should be taken when executing EVALSHA in the context of a pipelined request, since even in a pipeline the order of execution of commands must be guaranteed.