Context Switching, is defined as changing focus and attention from one task to the other in relatively short periods of time.
If the value of context switching is very high, increasing the time slice can improve performance, but this should only be done after extensive analysis.
Increasing the time slice can improve system throughput due to reduced context switching.
Increasing the time slice might improve system throughput, due to reduced context switching.
Huffman suggests grouping similar processes together on the same machine or group of machines to avoid context switching all the time which consumes resources.
I personally do not believe that everyone has the right mindset, passion, discipline and capability to be involved in incubation all the time, context switching from day to day business goals.
Context-switch time is overhead; the system does no useful work while switching.
I know for a fact that if I queue up 200 threads, it takes longer to complete everything than letting 10 run at a time (various fighting for resources, context switching in the CPU, etc, etc).
I know for a fact that if I queue up 200 threads, it takes longer to complete everything than letting 10 run at a time (various fighting for resources, context switching in the CPU, etc, etc).