DB2 will automatically move this map, allowing a larger contiguous area.
DB 2将自动偏移这个映射,以获得更大的连续区域。
Mazongshan region is the only contiguous area with Mongolia in Gansu province.
Range object represents a contiguous area in a document, and is defined by a starting character position and an ending character position.
The transmission subsystem provides the foundation for the network's dynamic capability to transfer data over a highly dispersed, non-contiguous area.
Programs that want to allocate a large and contiguous area of memory but don't need it all immediately often use a combination of reserved and committed memory.
There appeared the daze phenomenon of the population flow in the contiguous area of the south of Jiangxi, the west of Fujian and the northeast of Guangdong in Ming Dynasty.
This paper focus on the basic characteristics of Lebaquan-Gongpoquan epicontinental arc and the dynamic background for its formation in the contiguous area across Gansu, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia.
DB2 needs a contiguous address space for the Shared memory area.
DB 2需要一个连续的地址空间来作为共享内存区域。
This means that the new area can start at 0x10580000, contiguous with the heap memory that's already committed.
就是说,新的区域可以从0x10580000 开始,与已经提交的堆空间连接在一起。
Only china, the soviet union and canada surpass brazil in contiguous land area .
A new method of estimating damp ratio of a underdamped system is presented by calculating area ratio of two contiguous periods, which is applicable to experimentation.
Only China, the Soviet Union and Canada surpass Brazil in contiguous land area.
The area is the largest contiguous cotton -growing region in the world and is heavily dependent on irrigation water drawn from the Ogallala Aquifer.
Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States.
Throughout this book I use the terms Mexico City and MAMC interchangeably as referents to the contiguous built-up area shown in figure 1.1.
To the north of the Kunlun fault is the Qinghai Plateau, which is a basin and range area with contiguous gravity highs and gravity lows.
Well within the green area, grass contiguous trees, very suitable for human habitation.
Well within the green area, grass contiguous trees, very suitable for human habitation.