Automatic velocity control system for the continuous tandem cold mill let the rolling mill work continuously by using the looper to keep the uncoiling operation separating from the rolling process.
Flatness automatic control system is an important part of process control system of sheet or strip continuous cold rolling mill.
The ways to heighten the ribbed rebar quality were to improve the liquid steel cleanliness, continuous casting process, the heating temperature and rolling heat control during steel rolling process.
On line speed measurement of hot rolling steel is the key point for implementing tension control of continuous rolling process.
The thin slab continuous casting and rolling production line in Tang Steel is compared with the traditional process, the main quality control ways introduced.
FGC control is one of the core technology of the continuous tandem cold rolling mill, and it is a complex process with the trait of multi-variable coupling and non-linear time-changing.
The idea and process of micro-tension control of rod continuous-rolling line for special automobile steelare introduced as well its calculation, its operation conditions stated.
The idea and process of micro-tension control of rod continuous-rolling line for special automobile steelare introduced as well its calculation, its operation conditions stated.