Aselsan said a final sub-contract agreement would be penned later this year.
According to the contract agreement between the two sides agreed to allow not less than 10 meters short delivery.
While Cole is now entitled to sign a pre-contract agreement with another club, the focus is on agreeing a New Deal at Stamford Bridge.
These requirements will be included within each contract ITB package and subsequently incorporated into the final contract agreement.
The parties shall enter into a contract agreement within 28 days after the contractor receives the letter of acceptance , unless they agree otherwise.
The cast of “The Big Bang Theory”has finally reached a contract agreement with Warner Bros. TV after three months of negotiations according to。
The costs of stamp duties and similar charges (if any) imposed by law in connection with entry into the Contract Agreement shall be borne by the Employer.
When you and us any of the precious metals and foreign currency contracts, you will automatically enter the OEC and a private contract agreement, and as a guideline.
The forward has won many admirers this season and in February he revealed that Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham had been in contact, but he denied signing a pre-contract agreement with the Gunners.
We hurried an oral agreement before signing a formal contract.
A novation is an agreement to substitute an existing party to a contract with a new party.
Any changes to this Contract shall be made only by mutual written agreement of both Parties.
In any business agreement, when you have to threaten someone with, "my contract says...," that's typically not a good sign, the following response will probably be, "Sue me."
This can help resolve any remaining stakeholder conflicts, and can form part of a "contract" or agreement between you and the stakeholders.
Interest rate forward: (forward rate agreement FRA) : the forward rate agreement is the most basic of the OTC interest rate contract.
The assignor and assignee of the enterprise name shall sign a written contract or agreement which shall be reported to the original competent registration authority for approval.
Will each of the co-founders be signing some sort of contract with the company (outside of the shareholder agreement)?
The point of view of justice is then represented as a general social "contract" or agreement.
A service-level agreement (SLA for short) is a formal contract between a service provider and a client guaranteeing quantifiable network performance at defined levels.
Before we wrap up everything, I'd like to add a clause to the contract. I'm not comfortable with the verbal agreement.
Before we wrap up everything, I'd like to add a clause to the contract. I'm not comfortable with the verbal agreement.