It is merely an alternative form of repayment by the debtor for the debt he contracted.
In New York during the second world war, it appears the opposite plan was in effect: in 1943 3,662 soldiers reported that they had contracted some form of venereal disease in the city.
Disease of the form runs rampant with no acknowledgment of cause being inward destruction, only that a germ or virus was contacted or contracted from somewhere or someone else.
The woman claims that she contracted a form of marriage with the prisoner, who already has a wife.
The agent to a technical service contract that fails to complete the service work as contracted shall bear the liability for breach of contract in the form of waiver of its remuneration, and etc.
Whatever the form the sum shall be not less than 50 percent of the contracted annual profit.
A due diligence report shall be submitted by the lead underwriter if the issuance of financial bonds takes the form of contracted underwriting.
The paper has introduced two methods on out-contracted process of the library's catalog work: processed in the book-company and by the people sent form the book-company.
The paper has introduced two methods on out-contracted process of the library's catalog work: processed in the book-company and by the people sent form the book-company.