After a thorough investigation, many experts now believe that the streak was a run-of-the-mill jet aircraft contrail.
Contrail requires users to opt-in if they want to receive information from friends.
After going when all these, my general opens the eye in my heart, examine its contrail.
A contrail is the visible vapor trail behind airplanes or rockets traveling at high altitudes.
Exactness of machining program can be checked with the function of preview machining contrail.
Historical contrail navigation is to point to tell you at present the navigation of which catalog.
And the interpolation arithmetic, curve contrail programming and servo control are done by computer.
To make an airplane contrail, you need water and some kind of microscopic particle for the water to condense around.
In this paper, chip space movement contrail is studied systematically, and its initial movement contrail model is acquired.
The person's lifetime should face a lot of choices, take with abandon, right with the fault, interweaving your life contrail.
Update at 8:05 a.m. ET, Nov. 11: Contrail Science now says the next time the flight's scheduled to fly over the coast is Friday evening.
11月11日美国东部时间早上8点05分更新:Contrail Science 发布的最新消息说, 按照该航班的航次安排,下次飞越这个海岸上空的时间是星期五晚上。
I can see the contrail of a jet over Lamma Island and somewhere out there, the last stars flickering towards the other side of the world.
I can see the 4 contrail of a jet over Lamma Island and somewhere out there, the last stars 5 flickering towards the other side of the world.
The numeral timing systems driven by PWM are set up for the direct current servo motor model by using the PI. and IP contrail ers respectively.
With Contrail, the central location doesn't ever know my information, or what particular users care about--it just sees encrypted stuff to pass on.
Iqbal Mohomed,微软硅谷研究院的研究员解释道“通过Contrail,中心系统绝对无法得到我的信息或特定的用户关心的内容——它仅仅能看到加密的东西通过系统”,Mohomed和几个同事负责开发新的网络系统,称之为Contrail。
On the other hand, if you see a contrail that lasts a long time, this means the upper atmosphere is already saturated with as much water vapor as it can hold.
It utilizes the characteristic of sensitivity to initialization and indeterminism to contrail, so chaotic property determines the performance of chaotic sequence.
A new diagonal fuzzy variable structure contrail tracker is designed to combine the virtues of fuzzy control with that of sliding-mode variable structure control.
The width of the reservoir illustrated here is approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles); a jet flying over the reservoir left a contrail midway between the shorelines.
In this paper a new concept of phase contrail of phase plane for higher order nonlinear control system based on isoclines method of second-order linear system is proposed.
When jet fuel burns, it releases both water vapor and microscopic particles of exhaust. A contrail occurs when the jet's water vapor condenses around its own exhaust particles.
When jet fuel burns, it releases both water vapor and microscopic particles of exhaust. A contrail occurs when the jet's water vapor condenses around its own exhaust particles.