Its control center is based in the forebrain, and it regulates breathing for use in speech, singing, sighing, and so on.
Each station has a control center.
The stations are managed by one control center, which is described by China Railway Beijing Group—also known as CR Bejing—as an "intelligent (智能的) brain".
In DB2, the database can be created using the database creation command or using the control center tool.
在DB 2中,可以使用数据库创建命令或使用控制中心工具创建数据库。
An expedition into the chaos of a cell's control center has returned with intriguing insights into a poorly understood process that shapes every cell in the body.
Singing changes expression for over 800 genes in the song control center, including ones that alter the expression of transcription factors and their targets.
Beginning in 2011, this new radar will enhance the capabilities of the Kourou military control center in Kourou, operated by the French air force.
Ideally, Reeves said, he would convert the three-level control center into a new home.
Successful completion of this command will create the tables shown in Figure 9 (as displayed in the DB2 control center).
成功实现此命令将创建如图9所示的表(与DB 2控制中心中显示的相同)。
My first two years as a guard I was working at the control center as an operator where the entire emergency calls and electronic alarms are received.
His plans involve building an air shaft through the roof of the control center equipped with a solar powered fan to draw air deeper into the complex.
DB2 Workbench — the DB2 Workbench tool allows you to execute the procedures created using the control center.
DB 2Workbench——DB 2 Workbench工具允许执行用控制中心创建的过程。
Top Gun 2 will center on a new breed of fighter pilots, who fly unmanned drone planes from a control center.
I showed you a little-known way in which you can group the objects that you work with in the Control Center in a customized manner.
Further, many people experiencing minor symptoms, who didn't seek medical treatment or advice from a poison control center, would not have been captured by the system.
TheHoustonRockets: The NASA Mission Control Center is located in Houston; hence the name "Rockets".
Keep the number for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center handy. The number is (888) 426-4435.
把美国防止虐待动物协会防动物中毒控制中心的电话号码放在手边。号码是:(888)426- 4435。
The Launch Control Center, NASA Press Site and other structures are outside a 3-mile (4.8-km) safety perimeter from the launching pads.
To do an online table space and database level backup using the Control Center, follow these steps.
要使用Control Center来执行联机表空间级和数据库级备份,请执行这些步骤。
The file containing these statements can be executed from the Control Center or the DB2 command line.
包含这些语句的文件可以在Control Center 中执行,也可以在DB2命令行中执行。
You can build individual queries or scripts to do this, or you can easily access the views through the DB2 Control Center.
您可以建立单独的查询或者脚本来完成这项任务,也可以通过DB 2Control Center很方便地访问这些视图。
To turn on LOGRETAIN through the Control Center, highlight the database and right click to modify the configuration parameters.
要通过Control Center打开LOGRETAIN,需要高亮显示该数据库,然后右击它来修改配置参数。
Using the DB2 command prompt on the server, or using the Control Center, create a new database called ECOHR.
在服务器上通过DB 2命令提示符,或者通过Control Center,创建一个名为ecohr的新数据库。
Popular functions from Control Center are included in this release as no-charge functionality.
Control Center中的常用功能都作为免费功能包含在这个发行版中。
The automatic maintenance policies contain the same configuration information that can be set using the Control Center.
自动维护策略所包含的配置信息与使用Control Center设置的信息相同。
An alternative registration method is to use the enhanced graphical interface of the DB2 Control Center to register remote objects.
另一种注册方法是使用增强的DB 2Control Center图形界面注册远程对象。
Michael strides into the prison’s Toxic Control Center and flips a carton of cigarettes to the inmate trustee, Choppy.
Here is the command to create the nickname for the existing table if the Control Center is not used.
下面是在不使用Control Center的情况下为现有表创建昵称的命令。
Instance level authority parameters can be changed from the command line or from the Control Center.
实例级权限参数可以从命令行或Control Center进行修改。
Instance level authority parameters can be changed from the command line or from the Control Center.
实例级权限参数可以从命令行或Control Center进行修改。