This step may sound overly deferential, but it's a smart way to give the powerful person psychological safety and control.
This decision is welcomed as an important step forward in achieving community acceptance of measures needed to bring the outbreak under control.
None of these is guaranteed to work, but together they represent a significant step toward fundamental cost control.
In this step, please load the data from the First step to create the necessary users, groups, and access control lists (for example: ACL's).
A step forward for malaria control, as reported to this Board, is the development of country data profiles, supported by indicators.
The first step to controlling your anger, rather than having your anger control you, is to recognize your resentments and to express them before they reach a toxic level.
These connections between ports are known as step bindings, and they control the flow of XML document processing.
The NEL staff was responsible for ensuring compliance with thisprocess and quality control at each step.
People you hadn't anticipated will step into your plans and begin to influence, control, and often complicate things.
"WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was a monumental step in the right direction," — Jack E. Henningfield, United States of America.
“世卫组织的烟草控制框架公约是朝着正确方向迈出的历史性一步,”——Jack e .Henningfield,美利坚合众国。
Uncovering exactly how raised levels of JAM-1 disrupt the brain's ability to control blood pressure is the next step in tackling the disease.
One way that some programming departments use Purify is as an automatic step in the source code control process.
有些程序设计部门使用Purify 的方法是,将它作为源代码中的自动步骤来控制过程。
The ECM step completion widget provides four custom events to control a work item that saves, closes, or dispatches the work item.
The control activities in both TMap and RUP are mainly found in the step, Achieve Acceptable Mission.
At the same time, the custom step completion widget publishes four custom events to the ECM step completion widget to control the work item.
The control data accessors used in the methods are defined in next step.
If it finds that it has, it does no further processing and transfers control to the next filter in the filter chain (see Step 4 below).
Still, Mr. Kilburn says the charter is an important first step towards the goal of establishing an emissions control area that covers the entire coast of China.
Step Four: Have the Board of Control for Cricket in India sponsor a month-long football training camp.
And Pomerleau sees it as an early step toward one day being able to control technology with our minds.
Control their own adjust the tempo the natural step to ensure their own pace.
As your strength grows, you can take on more challenges and step-up your self-control workout.
It gives us another compelling reason to step up existing control measures with the greatest sense of urgency.
For this step, you turn on design mode for the document, add a control, and then set some attributes of the control.
Now that you have a working macro, your next step is to add a control to the document.
When you have your translations (for instance, which method to call or which property to reference), write them next to the control actions that you documented in Step 1.
To achieve this goal, the first step is to loosen the governmental control upon the public schools.
The next step is to define the <ajax:popupargument/> JSP control in the TagLib library definition file.
下一步是在TagLib库定义文件中定义 <ajax:popupargument/>。
The next step is to define the <ajax:popupdialog/> JSP control in the TagLib library definition file.
下一步是在TagLib库定义文件中定义 <ajax:popupdialog/>JSP控件。
The next step is to define the <ajax:populaterule/> JSP control in the TagLib library definition file.
下一步是在TagLib库定义文件内定义 <ajax:populaterule/>JSP控件。