You can get out of debt and you can speed up your financial goals. Just be realistic, take control and keep everything in perspective.
We should strictly deal with and control pollution and speed up pollution treatment in major regions and river valley. We should publish standards for monitoring environmental quality in large cities.
We should stricly deal with and control pollution and speed up pollution treatment in major regions and river valleys. We should publish standards for monitoring environmental quality in large cities.
You can start adding speed by warming up for a mile and then running at a faster pace (breathing heavy but still in control) for a minute and then recovering at an easy pace for a minute.
Michael also had a strong weekend and is getting more up to speed with every race although circumstances beyond his control limited his race performance in Melbourne and Sepang.
In the control logic circuits, pipelined control is used to speed up the processing throughput.
We will speed up the transformation and upgrading of the automatic control system for the production and storage of dangerous chemicals in the two key areas.
Seting up automatic control network in large-scale plant can effectively upgrade the production efficiency, the transmission speed and quality of information.
The research issues in future still be focused on implement of stable low speed drive involving zero-speed and stable start-up with torque control.
In a coal gas blower set for condensation were incorporated D750 28 blower and speed up hydraulic coupler to adjust load as well as computer control system.
煤气冷凝鼓风机组技术改造选用D750 -28型鼓风机,采用增速型液力偶合器调节负荷及计算机控制系统。
It allows motor running stop up and torsion control easily. In the torsion measuring, it can reduce additive error due to rotational speed change.
Key to the Carver's tilt is Dynamic Vehicle Control, which senses speed and road conditions and then adjusts the lean of the front wheel and body (up to45degrees) to optimize balance in corners.
More exact roll speed can be predicted by introducing the adaptive control in mill set-up system.
In the wet, when a vehicle running in high speed on the highway covered by a layer of water, the kinetic pressure in the layer of water should be make the vehicle up and lose control of the vehicle.
Though setting up the model to calibrating the level control parameter PID, the system dynamic performances is optimized in regulating the upper pool water level by variable speed pumps.
In this After Effects tutorial we'll learn how to use the great new features in After Effects CS5.5 to speed up our projects and unleash a new level of control.
Therefore, in order to meet the challenge of joining the WTO, it is urgent to speed up the internationalization of green food quality control system.
Along with the speed up of high-tech application and the increasing ability of imitating in third-party logistics enterprises (TPLs), the competitive focus should be transferred to valid cost control.
The speed of circulation of goods are higher than the general shelves, tunnel forklift up to 14 meters in height of operations, electronic control even at a higher stacking cranes at work.
Secondly, in order to realize the invariable tension control of high speed casting machine, the pull and wind-up tension of high speed casting machine have been researched.
A method which control the step motor with 8051 microcontroller is introduced, some methods in speed-up and speed-down curve design are compared.
The controller can control many step-motor systems in the meantime, and made motor run in multi-curve including speed-up, speed-down, orientation and direction's change.
The controller can control many step-motor systems in the meantime, and made motor run in multi-curve including speed-up, speed-down, orientation and direction's change.