While a majority of countries have taken little or no action yet, some 30 nations have introduced legislative steps to control smoking abuse.
In fact, when you break a rule or law, you lose control over your life and give others the power to impose punishment that you have no control over.
In extremely dense crowds, there is so much shoving and jostling that people's movements are no longer entirely under their own control.
We often feel that we have no control over our schedule but this is a myth.
At the same time, however, some of these applications threaten to unleash forces over which we have no control.
Of course, it came as a big surprise when tears came up, no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't able to control myself.
As we begin to examine our life, Soupios says, we come to Rule No.2:?Worry?only?about?things?that?you?can?control.
As we begin to examine our life, Soupios says, we come to Rule No.2: Worry only about things that you can control.
Though no fault of their own, they can suddenly find their productivity deteriorating or quality control non-existent.
Since no companies in Remo currently produce pollution-control systems, the plan, if implemented, will create significant opportunities for foreign exporters to market pollution-control systems.
由于 Remo地区目前没有公司研制污染控制系统,所以这项计划如果得到执行,将为外国出口商提供大量机会向市场销售污染控制系统。
If someone can sign in (登录) as you, you will have no control over what they do or say.
If someone can get on the Internet in your username, you have no control over what they do or say.
There was no difference in the ovarian organization among unpregnant, pregnant experimental mice and control mice.
These template systems have no flow control — no loops or conditionals.
There are alternatives, including downloading the show or watching it on DVD, both of which offer stop/play control with no commercial interruptions.
还有别的选择,包括下载观看或者买DVD看,这两者都有 开始/暂停 的控制,使你不被广告打断。
Some of these features are within a person's control, or at least their partial control. No doubt Ms.
If you have no hardware power control (no BMC IP address is set), start by flashing the BMC firmware, which enables you to set the IP address at the same time.
如果没有硬件电源控制(没有设置BMCIP地址),请先从刷新BM c固件开始,使您能够同时设置IP地址。
It was based on two axioms. Firstly, there should be no central ownership or control - no institution which would decide who could join or what the network could be used for.
Standard practice is to alternate a stimulus with a control condition, but no tests of the control condition are present on the videotape. Dr.
No news about much needed spam control, no response to Twitter stealing many blogs' thunder, no personalization, no visualization, no semantics, no mobile play - nothing.
In 1983 such control was found no longer needed and was abolished.
Don't make choices based on the claims on the label - words like "Performance Enhancer," and "Stress Control" have no science to back them up.
Plants have no central control systems as in animals' brains.
Standard practice is to alternate a stimulus with a control condition, but no tests of the control condition are present on the videotape.Dr.
In between Total Control and No Control there must be some alternative theory that's hard to look at squarely because these practical strategic concerns obstruct our view.
No Control Theory doesn't seem to have proponents who advocate it explicitly.
If one page should not be cached, use "cache-control: no-cache, no-store" to make sure the page will not be cached, especially when the data involves security or sensitive information.
如果某个页面不应该被缓存,则使用“cache - control: no -cache, no -store”来确保该页面不会被缓存,尤其是当数据涉及安全或敏感信息时。
If one page should not be cached, use "cache-control: no-cache, no-store" to make sure the page will not be cached, especially when the data involves security or sensitive information.
如果某个页面不应该被缓存,则使用“cache - control: no -cache, no -store”来确保该页面不会被缓存,尤其是当数据涉及安全或敏感信息时。