The scheme does not rely on the mathematical model of the controlled plant.
The nonlinear offline model of the controlled plant is built by LS-SVM with the radial basis function (RBF) kernel.
But whether classical control theory or modern control theory need to know the mathematical model of the controlled plant.
When a high order controlled plant contains several small time constant inertia units, it can be simplified to low order time-delay system.
The theorem has been verified to be very useful in estimating the all parameters of controlled plant in a closed loop via least squares method.
The controller formed by this control logic consists of both the feed-forward of the reference model system states and the feedback of the controlled plant states.
The optimal moving average filter for the linear stochastic controlled plant is developed from the viewpoint of the internal model of the deterministic disturbance.
It is difficult to keep favorable controlling performance of model predictive control (MPC) by linear model due to controlled plant nonlinearity in propylene rectifier.
It is difficult to design the closed loop gain shaping controller when the controlled plant is not a square matrix, because it is involved in the pseudo inverse of matrix.
A continuous reheating industrial furnace is large inertia, pure delay, multi-variables, time-varying, intercoupling complicated controlled plant, and has many uncertain factors.
The control system can adjust the weights of hybrid neural network and the parameters of controller timely to keep good control performance when the character of controlled plant varies.
The state evolution of low-level controlled plant conduces to event occurrence, whenever high-level discrete event system controller issues corresponding control commands and makes decision.
In this paper, a neural network controller is designed for ash content control of papermaking process, neural networks are trained by using the output error of the controlled plant directly.
Simulation results show that the presented method can accurately construct the inverse dynamic model of the continuous nonlinear system even without prior knowledge about the controlled plant.
For overcoming the big inertia and large time delay of the controlled plant, grey predictor is introduced to predict future output value, the predictive result is used as tuning information of DNN.
Almost all six reactor units at the plant are now stable or approaching stability, and power has been restored, enabling the operators to resume controlled cooling of the reactors.
The report relates that this plant has been successfully put on a "computer-numeric controlled (CNC) system."
Three reactor units at the Onagawa plant are being watched and controlled for radiation leaks and possible meltdown.
Why do farmers in Ping Bian continue to plant such a tightly controlled, labor intensive crop?
The A-50, based on the Ilyushin Il-76 transport aircraft, is produced by the Irkut-controlled Beriev aviation plant, Taganrog, and can control up to 10 fighter aircraft.
A - 50以ilyushinIL- 76运输机为基础,是由塔甘罗格的伊尔·库特控制Beriev航空厂生产,据悉,该A - 50可控制多达10架战斗机。
A brief introduction is given about the structure. function and fault diagnosis system formed by overall distributed controlled network in hydroelectric plant.
Salt tolerance of plant are complex traits controlled by many genes and involved by many metabolize approaches.
It is a difficult problem to demolish large building bases by controlled blasting techniques within a narrow area of concentration plant.
Fwewer process steps and shorter treatment times increase plant productivity. The bath concentration is controlled via the PHby titration and spectrophotometric measurements.
Sow directly in the ground, the plant diseases and insect pests that soil transmits is more, ground temperature is inferior, moisture and humidity are controlled not easily, affect gemmiparous rate.
Weathering of loess soil is physical and biochemical processes mainly controlled by the root systems of plant community.
Weathering of loess soil is physical and biochemical processes mainly controlled by the root systems of plant community.