Where is the convenience store?
FastMart, a convenience store chain, is planning to add pancake syrup to the items it sells.
Sam walked her to a nearby convenience store so that she could safely wait for the police to take her home.
Did you hear that the convenience store next to the gas station was held up last night?
That guy robbed a convenience store.
Like walking to the convenience store and buying me a soda.
That guys pulled convenience store job and was quickly arrested.
This duck walks into a convenience store and asks the clerk, "Do you have any grapes?"
One duck walked into a convenience store and asked the clerk, "Do you have any grapes?"
After I made it to the convenience store, there were only a few items left on the shelves.
They all Shared a common complaint: there was no convenience store nearby for drinks and snacks.
Gustavo: Do you have any dead batteries? I'm taking mine to the convenience store to recycle them.
The elliptical shape like a smiley face on behalf of Easyline convenience store service with a smile.
For example, perhaps someone with PTSD should not work in a convenience store where robberies have occurred.
He’s taken a part-time job, schlepping boxes overnight at the local convenience store, to make up for the reduced pay.
The signs in the application of si convenience store system aspect looks vivid appearance, reveal the joy of life.
He had fallen in love with the very girl, 19, beautiful, a cashier in the convenience store in a small town near Nagoya.
Consumerism at its finest, perhaps, but phones and tablets could become as common as your single use convenience store cameras.
In a grocery store or in a convenience store in front of the beverage cooler you will see green tea this or green tea that.
We happily accepted the deal, and after a brief run to the island's only convenience store, a six-pack in tow, we ran back to the pier.
The shelves of the Family Mart convenience store in Kagamiishi, Fukushima Prefecture, were wiped clean, save for alcohol and condiments.
福岛县镜石町(Kagamiishi)全家便利店(Family Mart )的货架已经被一扫而空,只剩下些酒和调味品。
"Network storage and local storage are in the same sort of relationship as a convenience store and the refrigerator in your home," Chatani said.
We can do this by modeling kindness to everyone we meet - from the well-dressed businessman to the poor homeless man outside the convenience store.
我们可以通过树立起对我们所遇到的每一个人都善良的榜样- - -从衣着整洁的商务人士到在便利店外的无家可归之人。
After leaving 7-eleven, I spent a very short time as COO for Pearle Vision; then I became CEO of Circle k, a convenience store chain that was in bankruptcy.
在离开7 -11之后,我在珍视公司做过一小段时间的COO。这之后我去OK便利店担任CEO,一个已经破产的连锁便利店。
After leaving 7-eleven, I spent a very short time as COO for Pearle Vision; then I became CEO of Circle k, a convenience store chain that was in bankruptcy.
在离开7 -11之后,我在珍视公司做过一小段时间的COO。这之后我去OK便利店担任CEO,一个已经破产的连锁便利店。