He's going to be giving me private lessons this year, said Harry conversationally.
How is it possible to become conversationally fluent in one of these languages in 2-12 months?
"Looks like she may get above freezing today, this sun stays up," Simon offered conversationally.
But to the contrary, the ability to write conversationally is a highly valued-and marketable-skill.
These findings suggest that the happy life is social and conversationally deep rather than solitary and superficial.
'These findings suggest that the happy life is social and conversationally deep rather than solitary and superficial.'
Churchill speaks conversationally about people, events, and publications that a London resident in 1950 would have been familiar with.
Conversationally, people also use these words all the time, so the regulation could create discord between the oral and written USES of language.
"Hello, Lenna. Why have you been following me for a week now?" the Target asks lightly, conversationally, his first words ever said in my direction.
"Hello, Lenna. Why have you been following me for a week now?" the Target asks lightly, conversationally, his first words ever said in my direction.