The meaning of children's books lies in conveying the profound connotation behind the story.
This brand new instrument, capable of producing loud and soft tones, greatly expanded the possibilities for conveying emotion.
Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth.
Be vocal and voracious about conveying your thanks – don’t be shy.
She's conveying something through her eyes, through her facial expressions.
In theory, he will be a delegate of the 27 EU leaders, conveying their views to the world.
Flow diagrams are also particularly useful for conveying a process or series of events.
In other words, refrain from conveying any type of agreement, either verbally or in writing.
A critical component of test and treat will be conveying the message: "Don't wait until you're sick."
It is the art of conveying a message effortlessly which most of the crowd understands and grasps quickly.
If you try to convey that you're good at a whole lot of things, you can end up not conveying anything.
The Web really needs a vector format for efficiently conveying complex graphics in a scale-independent way.
Overall the results showed that music preferences were reasonably accurate in conveying aspects of personality.
People really need to make sure they are using this resource to their advantage, by conveying a professional image.
By conveying a unique identifier of the owner who made the request, it enables propagation of the caller identity.
If the word has become weak at conveying big corporate messages, it has become even weaker at conveying small ones.
As photography is a still medium, we have to seek creative ways of capturing and conveying this motion to the viewers.
Relying on ordinary people to spread the word, the churches are particularly good at conveying the rudiments of management.
I hope that we managed to respect people \ 's grief, whilst also conveying the scale of the suffering they were going through.
She suggests taking the opposite approach by conveying that employers should take advantage of this opportunity to recruit you.
夏皮罗建议,这些人应该反其道而行之, 给雇主这样一个资讯:聘用你将是他们的荣幸。
Regarded as a national treasure in Australia, Mr Winton is skilful at conveying not only the thrill of surfing, but also its terrors.
在澳大利亚,温顿是国宝级的人物。 她不仅擅长描写冲浪的刺激惊险,而且还很擅长表现冲浪的恐怖。
As a result of technical advances particularly the Internet and cryptography - the risks of conveying important information can be lowered.
For as well as conveying a rise in purchasing power to consumers, the high exchange rate is exerting a powerful force for structural change.
When the lights go down and the spotlight is on you, no matter how much you know your topic, conveying the information suddenly seems daunting.
This information I'm conveying is the basis for my belief that we have little to fear from the nuclear fallout that has occurred or that will occur.
There is no doubt that the Internet is far more convenient and efficient than the written word or other conventional means of conveying meaning.
Take note of pauses, slang, hmm-hmms, uh-huhs and any other aspect of the conversation that was important in the way they were conveying what they had to say.
When viewed singly in art museums the chilly aloofness of a Bronzino portrait holds the viewer's gaze, conveying power, ferocity, indifference and invulnerability.
When viewed singly in art museums the chilly aloofness of a Bronzino portrait holds the viewer's gaze, conveying power, ferocity, indifference and invulnerability.